Chapter 2

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School... wasn't so bad anymore to say the least.

The hellhole that my sisters had shoved me and Jay into didn't seem so daunting anymore. 

It was all because of Evan Hansen. 

Well.. smh technically it was Jared who introduced me but I never give him credit for anything because he's... Jared. 

Evan Hansen... Evan Hansen.

He had a great name. Rolled off the tongue. 

I had found my self hanging out with Jared's crew more and more until we were closer then ever. It had been a couple days since I met them but already I felt as if I'd known them my whole life. 

But Evan made me feel... different then the rest of my new posey. He made me feel...accepted. He was the one person who hadn't once run away from me. 

Because he valued me just as much as I valued him.

Evan lived about a block away from my house so I would give him a ride home after school since he usually had to walk since his mom wasn't around much. 

Today was a day he'd asked me to give him a ride. 

He'd actually admitted the first day I offered that he liked my motorcycle because it made him feel 'cool' to ride it. 

He was by far the sweetest person I had ever met.

I grabbed my helmet and unclipped it from my motorcycle and put it on throwing my extra to Evan which he awkwardly caught and let out a small gasp of pain as it came in contact with his arm. 

My eyes widened and I rushed to him looking him over as if he was a fragile piece of glass that had just been shattered. 

"Im so sorry are you ok?" I said quickly as I did so. 

He giggled. 

"Yeah I'm ok. You need to chill, It's a broken arm not a terminal illness." 

I cocked my hip and raised my eyebrow. 

"Since when did you become so sassy Evan Hansen."

He blushed. 

"I.. I dunno." 

I rolled my eyes and smiled climbing onto my motorcycle motioning for Evan to do the same. He put on his helmet and buckled it climbing on behind me and putting his arms around my waist causing a small knot to form in my stomach. 

I ignored it and revved up the engine and kicked back the kickstand, accelerating forward and out've the school parking lot. 

Jason liked to walk home with Jared now because of my 'insane driving' on the 'machine of death' as he called it. 

I saw them on the sidewalk with Alana and I couldn't help but roll my eyes because it was so obvious that Jay thought she was hot but he was too chicken to say anything about it. 

I flipped them off as we rode passed and Evan let out a small nervous laugh causing me to giggle in return as I heard Jared's yells of resentment as we left them in the dust. 

We pulled up to Evans driveway and I put the kickstand down and climbed off unbuckling my helmet. 

"Hey do ya wanna come inside? My mom usually just lets me order pizza but then I have to talk to the delivery man and I'm not so good at that so I'd love it if you would..."

I smiled and popped off Evans Helmet for him. 

"I'd love to." 

He nodded and a huge smile spread across his face before he turned around quickly to unlock the door. 

For Forever (Evan Hansen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now