Chapter 9

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I could hear my heart beat in my ears as I sprinted down the stairs clenching my fists and cursing myself.


I couldn't even bare to hear his voice.

I looked behind my shoulder quickly as I ran out his front door walking into the the street and standing there looking at my feet.

"Y/N, Y/N PLEASE JUST... just... y/n?"

I turned to face him, my eyes bloodshot from crying.

"Evan... Im sorry... im so so... I shouldn't of... I shouldn't of..." I dropped to my knees and let out a shaky laugh throwing my head back and feeling the coolness of the evening brush my face softly, still in the middle of the street.

Evan was standing in the doorway but when I levelled my head again he was standing on the sidewalk inching slowly towards me.

I raised an eyebrow, smile still plastered across my face in a less then happy way and tears starting to trickle from my eyes.

I covered my face and shook my head.

"Im sorry... Im so stupid I just..."

Evan cut me off by grabbing me by my shoulders and hurriedly pushing me to the sidewalk right in time for a bus to speed by.

I softly mumbled a thank you and rubbed the nape of my neck looking down at my feet yet again.

I felt as my jacket fell down my shoulder the cold night breeze brushing my exposed skin slightly as a blush found its way onto my face.

"Im sorry... i shouldn't of ran... I shouldn't of kis.."

I was cut off again by Evans soft hand straightening out my jacket on my shoulders.

I looked up to him shyly a small glimmer of hope that we could still be friends in my eyes that disappeared as soon as I saw his face, he refused to meet my eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and the usually perfectly gelled hair was falling out of alignment in small curly segments.

I sighed softly.

"ki...kissed you it just was sorta in the moment and uh I..."

"Wanna... do you wanna... get some ice cream?" Evan mumbled still not meeting my eyes as he held out his soft hand for me to take.

The blush came back and with it a small smile. I took his hand and nodded, blinking a couple times.

"I would love nothing more..."

So we walked, his hand tightly woven with mine, back to Jared's house in order to retrieve my motor cycle.

"Pretty sure A la mode is closed... its pretty late... but uh... we could still go to Seven Eleven if you're down for a slushy?" I asked retrieving the extra helmet Evan always used.

Evan laughed nervously taking the helmet.


I smiled again putting on my helmet and climbing onto the motor cycle, Evan slowly climbing on after me and even more slowly wrapping his arms around my waist.

I kicked back the kick stand and pressed the ignition and we sped away.

I could feel his soft, heavy breathing on the back of my ear until he, intentionally or not nuzzled his cold nose into my shoulder causing my whole body to tense up.

I breathed out as we sped along soon parking in the nearly empty 7/11 parking lot.

I took of my helmet, shoved the keys in my pocket and jogged inside Evan close on my tail.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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