Chapter 7

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"Can you not Jared."

My voice was monotone and my head hurt as we drove around in Jared's car.

Jared had just screamed at my brother for the past half hour about how he was right about me loving "tree boy".

I was so relieved Evan wasn't there for that whole situation.

That was literally the only situation in which I'd rather see my cousin then Evan.

My heart was still racing as I leaned back in my seat rubbing my eyes. Jason peeked from around my seat with a stupefied look on his face.

"Evan of all people."

I looked to the backseat and smacked my brother upside the head causing him to let out a small grunt of annoyance.

I slid down my seat just wishing for this night to be over.

"Whelp now we gotta go find tree boy and the rest of the gang." Jared said as he made a sharp turn with his car.

"What do you mean?" I said head snapping to Jared.

"You heard me tree hugger." Jared mumbled chuckling at his own joke.

"We split up to look for you after you ran off... it was Evans idea... we were really worried about you... Zoe's place was actually the last place that me and Jared thought to look." Jason said looking at his feet.

"Why were you at the Murphy's anyway. Isn't Zoe your 'love rival' now?" Jared said waving his hands around to further his point.

"Uh... I actually don't know why I was there... I sorta just ran as far away as possible from Evans and I took myself there."

"Well thats a horrible coincidence." Jared said quietly and I scowled rolling my eyes.

A silence filled the car, you could cut the tension with a knife. I tapped my cast as I did when I was bored.

"Sooooo are ya gonna tell him?" Jared's voice said breaking up the silence causing a wave of relief to rush through the car.

"No... not yet at least... he loves Zoe... an I don't wanna mess up what they have for my own selfish reasons."

"Well from what you've told us Zoe sorta seems like a bitc..."

"OH LOOK THERES EVAN AND ALANA!" I yelled cutting Jason off.

Jared swerved the car harshly and drove up to them parking a few feet away.

"Guys don't say anything about my... infatuation ok?"

"Sure thing." Jared said with a fake smile plastered across his goofy face.

I grunted in frustration and rolled down the window.

"Ev. C'mere."

"Y/N!" The boy shouted running to the car window and hugging me tightly through it.

"Oh my gosh I was just so worried I had no clue what happened are you ok are you hurt did something happen to you what did I do wrong I want to know because your my best friend in the whole world and I'm sorry if I hurt you and I just..."

I put my hand on his shoulder and Evan tensed up letting out a large sigh.

"I'm fine Evan... you didn't do anything wrong I guess I just needed to cool off a bit..."

"I'm just so glad you're ok." Evan said as his lip quivered and he wrapped me into a huge hug once more.

"C'mon get in the car..." I said pulling back and smiling sweetly at him.

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