Chapter 8

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For the past week me and Jason had been staying at Jared's house after his parents figured out we didn't have a place to stay after our guardians had left. 

I argued that we were 18 and could take care of ourselves but Jared's mom shot back that we had no money... she also made the point that neither one of us could cook... which was true but it was still a shot to my pride.

So we were forced to live with our cousin the meme boy... and it was exactly how you'd expect it to be...


For me at least.

Or maybe that was me just being my usual angsty self, I dunno... I had become incredibly attached to my house, my room, my safe space. 

Even though it wasn't the best, anything was better then sleeping on an air mattress on my cousins floor that had had crud spilled on it way to many times and smelled like barnyard animal. 

Or teenage boy, I couldn't tell the difference. 

Well there was one teenage boy who kept his room clean and smelled like grass, toothpaste, and hand sanitiser... that boy was Evan Hansen. 

The best part about living with Jared was that he lived only one or two blocks away from Evan. 

Evan had seemed incredibly distant for a bit now, I wasn't quite sure why but I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that it wasn't good. 

I had been sitting on one of the kitchen barstools for the past hour sketching out Evan. 

As I went over my line work for the eightieth time that night I felt myself drifting off to sleep but soon was snapped awake by the sound of the door being swung open and forcefully slammed shut. 

My heart started beating super fast and I stood up slowly grabbing the bar stool and holding it in front of me like a weapon walking softly towards the front door. 

"Hello?" I asked and was responded with silence.

I heard a creak and I jumped waving around the stool and letting out a small yelp as the person who had made the creak screamed. 

I lowered my weapon. 

"Jeez y/n at least give me some warning before you try to jump me with a chair." Jared said angrily catching his breath and leaning against the wall.

I sighed and put down the stool. 

"Well could you blame me? You sorta surprised me when you slammed the freaking door... which was unnecessary by the way..."

"Ohhhh it was necessary..." Jared said standing to his full height and clenching his fists looking off into the distance. 

I raised an eyebrow and cocked out my hip placing my hand on it. 

"Wanna... talk about it?" I said awkwardly. 

"Of course I wanna talk about it dork." Jared said brushing past me and into the kitchen. 

I rolled my eyes and picked up my stool placing it down at the bar.

Jared was staring angrily at my drawing of Evan. 

He scoffed and brushed it off the table. 

"Hey! What the hell Jared!" I yelled running to pick it back up. 

"That freaking boy... ughhhh... went too far..." Jared said banging on the table. 

"You got in a fight didn't you... you shouldn't go after him... ya know he's been through a lot..." I said slowly folding the drawing carefully and sticking it in my pocket. 

For Forever (Evan Hansen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now