Chapter 6

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I love Zoe's character and Laura Dreyfuss is amazing in every way, shape, and form.

Just want to put that out there before you read this chapter.



I'd slowed down to a walk but my heart was still racing.

I stopped for a second, crouching over to catch my breath.

When I stood up I examined my surroundings.

I recognised the pale blue house that stood on the corner.

That was the Murphy's house.

When we were little, Zoe and me were best friends. Nothing could separate us.

Things changed when my parents split.

Zoe Murphy, the perfect Zoe Murphy, told me that a person without a mommy and daddy wasn't someone she wanted to hang out with and we haven't spoken since.

I'd never held it against her because it was stupid to hate someone for something they did when they were 8 still stuck with me, kept me awake sometimes.

It just made me further realise how different my life would be if my parents had stuck it out.

When I looked around a bit more to come accustomed to my surroundings, I saw none other then Mr. Freaking Murphy shoveling snow.
The absolute last person I wanted to see right now.

Ok second to last.
But still.

He stopped shoveling and looked right at me.
I blinked a couple times and awkwardly waved.
Oh god he's coming over here.
"y/n? y/n l/n..."

"Hi... l..long time no see Mr. Murphy."

He gave me a very awkward and unwanted hug.

"I haven't seen you since you were eight! You and Jason doin ok?"

"Ok as ever." I said plastering a fake smile on my face.

He nodded for a bit longer then he should have, prolonging the awkward silence.

"So... uh I better be going..." I said pointing behind me and backing up slowly.

"Nahhhh you should stay for dinner. It's cold out and Cynthia's making Lasagna! That always used to be your favorite!" He said putting his hand on my back and leading me into the blue house in which I had so many memories.

I sighed not wanting to be rude.

"Zoe will be so happy to see you." He said with a huge smile on his face as he led me into the house.

"I dunno Mr Murphy..."


" you don't have to..."

"y/n?" A small, melodic voice said from the top of the stairs.

I gave Zoe a small wave.

"Dad... do you mind if I go talk to y/n in my room? I think we need to catch up and stuff." Zoe said giving me a warm smile.

"Of course hun... I'm just gonna get dinner ready."

Once her dad was out of sight, Zoe motioned for me to follow her up the stairs.

"So... how have you been..."


"You broke your arm?"

"Uh huh." I said as we entered her room.

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