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Hey guys! This chapter is dedicated to @merilee145 for being a supportive reader and once again to @iamjiri because it's her birthday!! Well that's it.

Now, on to the chapter lovelies.

I barely slept the night before and once the first ray of sunlight snuck in through my window, I jumped out of bed.
I took a long long shower, made sure to wash my hair with extra sweet smelling berry shampoo and pulled on a pair of white skinny jeans and a baby blue sweat shirt.

I stood in front of the vanity mirror in the corner of my room trying to decide whether to pull my hair up or not. Eventually, I pulled it up into a high ponytail; and my hair had grown out quite a bit so  the pony tail still fell to the middle of my spine. I swept mascara over my lashes and put on some lip gloss and looked myself over with pride. For the final touch I doused myself with my favorite perfume Minajesty by Nicki Minaj and I was satisfied with the outcome. Throwing on a pair of white converse shoes I ran downstairs to get breakfast.

I met my coffee reading a copy of People magazine while drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

"Good morning mum" I said sweetly kissing her on the cheek.

"Well, someone's in a good mood" she said smirking at me. "And.. you look nice"

"Thanks mum" I said blushing a little. "Why wouldn't I be in a good mood?"

"Well for one thing; it's Saturday morning - 8:37 to be precise" she said with laughing eyes. "You're awake this early and you actually seem happy about it"

"Well, I do have somewhere to be" I said cheerily while buttering a piece of toast.

"That's right, the Parker's cabin" she said thoughtfully. "Sweetie, are you sure you don't want me to drive you?"

"What?" I said quickly. "Of course not, I'm not a child. I'm sure I can make a trip to the edge of town and back without the help of my mommy"

"Well no need to be sarcastic about it" she said laughing a little. "Alright, then. I'm going upstairs to watch my sitcoms till you get home. Take money you need out of my purse"

"Thanks a lot, mum" I said kissing her on her cheek again. " See you soon, I love you"

"I love you too darling, be safe"

She moved upstairs while I finished my breakfast. After that, I grabbed fifty bucks and her car keys from her  purse and started walking to the driveway.

As I got into the car I dialled Lily.

"Hey babe"

"It's nine o clock in the morning" Lily said with a strained voice. "Why? Whyyyyy? Why would you call me now? Why would you wake me up?"

"I beg your forgiveness, Your Royal Sleepiness" I said. "Just wanted to let you know I was going to the cabin now. The network over there's pretty crappy".

"Oh yeah" she said sounding a bit more awake. "Adrian... Alright boo boo pie. I'll text you later. Don't do anything I would do"

"Ewwwwww" I said blushing. "Goodbye young lady, it's too early for that"

"Bye momma

I hung up and started the car. I'd not been able to get through to Adrian all morning probably because of the reception down at the lake cabin. However, he texted me to tell me the was already there so I was on the right track.
I pulled out of the driveway and drove away from my neighborhood.


Thirty minutes later I was still driving. I didn't want to admit it but I knew I was lost.  I sat in my car thinking of what to do.
After fifteen minutes of contemplating, I decided to call an Uber. However, the nearest Uber driver was forty five minutes away.

I had adequate phone reception so I put on my Google maps and sat back down in the driver's seat. Gradually I began to understand where I lost my way.

The map told me to go back, go through the woods I missed before and go over a bridge which would bring me to the edge of the lake. From there, it was a short drive to the cabin.

I dropped my phone on the passenger seat and reversed the car finding the woods as easy as the app told me I would. I manuevered my way through the dark woods as slowly as I could. I could actually remember my surroundings as I passed through them. I and Lily did Blossom scout training one summer when we were nine in this very same woods. As I drove around I was feeling both creeped out and nostalgic at the same time. The woods had grown out. The trees were taller thicker. You could tell few living people actually went in there at all. Eventually,I saw the narrow path out of the woods. I drove a little way out

Driving out to the bridge, I stepped on the gas a little - knowing it was a one way drive from there. My phone started beeping from the seat beside me. I looked around, it was a pretty clear road there was no way I'd hit anyone or anything even if I was a bit distracted.

I looked at the caller ID, my mom. I picked up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hey baby girl" my mom's soft voice came through the phone. "Are you there yet?"

"Almost mom" I answered not wanting to put her in a frenzy by telling her I got lost. "I've got about seven minutes more according to Google maps".

"You're using Google maps?" she said amusedly. "I thought you said it was for lazy idiots with no sense of direction"

"Well, right now" I said laughing. "This idiot would have been a lost one without it"

"Alright sweetie" she said. "Lily's here by the way, she came over to sleep about an hour ago; said she was being bullied by 'enemies of sleep' at home"

I laughed at that. Typical Lily.

"Alright mom" I said. "I'll call you both when I get there."

"You better do" she said blowing a kiss through the phone. "Bye baby"

"Bye Mom"

She hung up almost immediately but I took the opportunity to go through my texts now that I had good reception. One from Lily, Adrian and a gif from Christian. It was a hippo doing the whip and nae nae.  I was watching it over and over again.

All of a sudden, a pair of bright headlights coming directly towards me stunned me out of daze of humor. I quickly looked up from my phone and grabbed the steering wheel trying to swerve left as fast as possible but I was going too fast. The steering was jammed from all of the strength and speed I was trying to achieve at the same time.

The vehicle was coming into view now and it was a big one. It was a pick up truck and it occupied almost half of the bridge. It showed absolutely no sign of stopping. As I swerved left, the truck did the same and we collided at the side of the bridge bumper to bumper. However my car tumbled.

The small Camry I was driving fell onto it's side while the truck was extremely dented in front. There was glass everywhere. I couldn't breathe and slowly my eyes began to shut. I looked across at my phone. A call from Adrian. That was the last thing I saw.....

Author's note:
Okayyyy guys!! Another chapter posteeddd!! I'm sorry it's kinda short but it's just to show what happens on the way to the cabin. The next few chapters will be longer I promise. So enjoy this chapter. It's a cliffhanger but I will definitely post soon.

So vote and comment; comment and vote. Thanks a lot sweets!

P.S at the top of the chapter is Alex Pettyfer who plays Adrian.

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