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Hey guys!!
I'm so sorry I haven't been updating so we'll, I have been so terribly busy but here's another update for you guys. I hope you like it.

I love you guys so much for the support.

So let's get on with it.

P.S make sure to read the author's note at the bottom.

Jacob's POV

The sunlight seeping through the window in my room woke me up. I stretched across the bed and stood up slowly.
I dragged myself to the bathroom and washed the sleep out of my eyes. Then,
I brushed the morning breath out from my mouth.
Still brushing my teeth I heard humming. It was coming from my living room area. It was a familiar song, one of my favorites in fact- Between the bars by Elliot Smith. I hummed along to the song, closing my eyes gently.

The humming turned to a hushed song after a while. The voice was heavenly, carrying every note without an issue. I sang along quietly. The voice became a bit louder, more sonorous.


Someone's singing in my apartment.

Someone's singing in my living room!!

I quickly rinsed my mouth and walked stealthily towards the living room, towards the voice.

When I stepped in, I saw her. I had forgotten she was here; forgotten she was even real. Her back was turned to me. She was still wearing my shirt and the dark color of the shirt contrasted beautifully with her cream colored skin. Her hair was all over the place but it was beautiful.

The window in the living room opened out to the most beautiful view- a large spread of land untouched by man. And she looked even more beautiful; and I hadn't even seen her face yet.

She had still not acknowledged my presence. She was still singing her heart out. Each note like a snare capturing my heart.

"Take a picture, Azarea" she said snapping me out of my daze. "It'll last longer."

She turned around to face me with an impish smile.

"Morning sleeping beauty" she said smirking. "I didn't hear Prince Charming come in; how was the kiss?"

I rolled my eyes and continued towards her.  Of course she would start the day with sarcasm.

"Morning princess" I said flicking her ear. "Actually, your terrible singing woke me up"

"Even you don't believe that" she replied. "I heard you singing along"

"Well, I love that song" I said trying to redeem myself. "Not your voice, there's a difference"

"Whatever princess" she replied mimicking me terribly.

"You sound like a tractor doing that" I laughed at her impression.

Her eyes became as large as saucers and next thing I knew there was a tiny hand punching my arm.

"You know you're not hurting me right?" I asked looking down at her trying to make impact. "It literally feels like air"

"Screw you Azarea" she said giving up.

"If you want to" I said smirking cockily. "I'm down".

She flicked my ear again for the umpteenth time since we met.

Ow!! That actually hurt' I thought.

"So, there's supposed to be school today" she asked me. "You're not going?"

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