Chapter 4

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Authors note: i will be away for the next week so updates will be slow.

A week later, she had yet to hear from Grace again; no matter how much she wanted to speak to her daughter, she knew it had to be her choice. She hadnt spoke to Jacob again either since that night; he'd been away for the week but today was his first day back. Seeing him walk into the staff room, she picked up her empty mug and followed him in; shutting the door behind her, she placed her mug on the counter as he wordlessly made her coffee.

"How was your break?" She asked, trying to break the tension between them.

"Hot; was good catching up with old friends"

"Thats good" she replied as he handed her mug to her before she headed towards the door. "Jacob..."

"Yeah" he said as she turned to face him.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Fancy cooking me that risotto?"

"I'll be there at 7"

"I'll get the ingredients on my way home"

As Connie walked away, Jacob smiled to himself; throughout the day, she kept checking her phone and her emails, hoping there would be something from Grace but there wasnt. At least not until she was about to leave when her phone beeped; opening the video message, she watched as Grace taught Sid a new trick. Smiling, she quickly replied: 'he's learning fast and getting so big x' before pulling on her coat and heading out of the department.

She'd just got out of the car when Jacob pulled in behind her; she couldnt help but smile when he instantly took the bags of ingredients and carried them in without her asking.

"'s Grace doing?" He asked as he started cooking as she sat up to the breakfast bear with a glass of wine.


"You spoke to her since the argument?"

"Not really" she said as she took a sip. "She sent me a video earlier, she's taught Sid a new trick"

"She did?"

"Mmhmm, look"

As he watched the video, he couldnt help but notice the look of sadness on Connie's face; putting the phone down, he checked on the food and gave it another stir before taking her hand and pulling her up, holding her close.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Holding you; thought you needed a hug"

"I miss her Jacob" she admitted.

"She'll come back to you; she's stubborn and independent, just like her mom"

"I pushed her away; she needed a mom and i acted like her doctor. She needed me and i didnt listen; i almost ruined christmas for her"

"You've both been through a lot the last ten months; you went through every mother's worst nightmare but you both survived and you'll get through the recovery"

She sighed as he moved away to check on the food; when it was eaten, they were sat on the sofa, talking when her phone rang.

"Hi darling" she answered. "It's nice to hear your voice; yeah. I watched the video; he's so big now. I miss you too...of course i can; okay. I'll see you tomorrow...i love you"

As she hung up, she turned to Jacob who had been trying his best not to listen in; he saw the smile on her face as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"She okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, i'm seeing her tomorrow"

"I should let you get some sleep then"

"No...dont go" she whispered, looking at him.

"You've been upset tonight; i dont want to take advantage of that"

"You're not"

"I'm not about to push this; i love that we're talking again and you're letting me in. We should take this a step at a time"

She nodded reluctantly before he finally left; although she was happier she had spoken to Grace and was seeing her the next morning, Connie couldnt help but feel lonely as she looked around her large, empty house.

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