Chapter 5

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The next morning, Connie was stood against her front door frame as she watched Grace get out of Sam's car with her crutches and holding onto Sid's lead; she couldnt help but smile as her daughter walked towards her with Sam behind.

"I'll be back after lunch to pick her up" he said before getting back in his car and driving off.

Taking the lead from Grace, she let her inside and through to the kitchen; she hadnt been there since the morning of her birthday and the feelings were a little overwhelming.

"You okay sweetheart?" Connie asked, noticing her daughter's upset expression.

"I'm sorry mom..."

"What for?"

"Been horrible to you" she cried.

"Come here" she said, guiding her to sit on the sofa in the adjoining sitting room as Sid climbed up and lay next to her. "We both said things we didnt mean; i should've tried listening to you instead of pushing you too hard"

"Do you hate me?" She whispered.

"I could never hate you and i shouldnt have said it; we've always had a difficult relationship and i dont want that anymore. I want you to be able to talk to me; i want to hang out with my daughter again" she said, wiping her daughter's tears away. "What do you say? Shall we watch a film?"

When Grace nodded, Connie got up and put her favourite on before they snuggled up together; before they knew it, Sam was back to pick up Grace. Even though she knew she still had a ling way to go to prove herself again, she found it hard to say goodbye and watch her daughter leave; shutting the front door behind her, she cleared away the mess before collapsing on the sofa, feeling alone once more.

Walking into the Emergency Department two hours later, her eyes instantly fell to Jacob as he left the staff room just as she was about to enter her office; a look into her eyes told him to follow her, shutting the door behind him.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Okay, we watched a film"

"Do you think it's helped take a step in the right direction in repairing your relationship?"

"I dont know; it was hard Jacob. Watching her leave...again"

Hearing the emotion in her voice and seeing the heartbroken expression on her face, he held her close as she sighed.

"You'll get there; you're talking again, that's a start. I know you're desperate to fix it but you have to let Grace take the lead; not letting her have some control is what got you into this situation in the first place" he said, without realising just what he was saying.

"Wow" she whispered as she pulled away from him. "So you think it's all my fault too? Thanks for making me feel a hundred times worse Jacob" she said, grabbing her bags and leaving, slamming the door shut behind her.

After a few seconds, it had hit him what he'd said and he ran to follow her; he'd just reached the entrance when he saw her range rover speeding past.

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