Chapter 8

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The next morning, after breakfast was eaten and they'd gotten ready, they headed out the door where Jacob was waiting for them; Connie smiled, despite not telling him they were going anywhere.

"Where are you two ladies off too?" He asked.

"Mom's taking me shopping; are you coming?"

"I think your mom would like some time alone with you firecracker"

"Why are you here then?"

"I was on my way to work and i thought i'd see how you're doing; you fell asleep on me last night kiddo"


"I'll let you off"

"Are you and mom back together?" Grace asked, looking between them.

"We're just friends darling" Connie answered.

"How come? You we're happy before..."

"Things change but...we're talking and spending time friends"

"Is it because of me?" She asked, looking at Jacob.

"Firecracker, listen to me" he started as his knelt in front of her and rested his hands on her arms. "You...and your mom...are the best thing that's ever happened to me; i meant what i said to you before the accident. I love her...but right now, her priority is getting her relationship with you back on track"

"You still love me?" Connie asked, in shock; she'd known she'd made a mistake in issuing that ultimatum and she'd regretted how far apart they had become as a result.

"I never stopped Con" he answered, honestly as he stood in front of her. "I hated seeing you punishing yourself all the time; i wanted to be the one to hold you and tell you it would all be okay.  You needed to process everything that happened as a result of the crash; if it's a friend you need, i'm here...if it's something more, then i'm here"

"But why? I was so horrible to you; i pushed you away, gave you an ultimatum"

"And i should've fought for you; for both of you" he said, holding his hand out for Grace to take.

Instead, both Beauchamp girls snuggled into his embrace; his arms around them as he held them close.

"You should get to work" she whispered.

"How about i come round tonight? We can talk?" He suggested.

When she nodded, he smiled at both her and Grace before leaving; when he'd gone, Grace turned to Connie.

"Do we have to go shopping?" Grace asked.

"Dont you want to?"

"What did Jacob mean? About an ultimatum?" She asked.

Connie sighed and led her daughter to sit in the front passenger seat as she crouched in front of her.

"After you were awake and home, watching you struggling and working so hard but not getting anywhere...i started to think. I wanted someone to blame and instead of blaming Steph, i looked for answers in your medical file; that's why we went to court. I thought Elle had made a mistake and i couldnt see any other way...but Jacob was sure it wasnt her fault and...i made him choose. He didnt pick her specifically but...he didnt support me either; it was my fault we broke up darling and i'm sorry...for everything i've put you through."

"Was it her fault?" Grace asked.

"No darling, she was just doing her job; the only person to blame was Steph and in the long run...blaming her isnt going to do any good. I learnt that the hard way; not only did i push Jacob away, i pushed you away too" she said, tucking her daughter's hair behind her ears.

"I'm sorry...for saying i hated you" she said, tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry too; i shouldn't have said the feeling was mutual. You are my daughter and i love you; i was pushing you so hard too early on and i know that but look at how far you've come. You're walking again and talking; you're out and about..."

"I miss you mom but dad said he can take better care of me"

"I thought you wanted to live with your dad?"

"I did..."

"Has something happened?" She asked, concerned.

"He's just...pushing me all the time, even when i'm too tired; we dont go anywhere but the hospital..."

"I can talk to him for you and maybe...we can come to some sort of agreement; what you want is what's important here, not me or your dad"

Grace nodded and fell into Connie's embrace; stroking her hair, she kissed her forehead before pulling back.

"Still want to go shopping?"


"Okay, let's go then."

With Grace settled, Connie climbed into the driver's side and started the car; when Grace's favourite song came onto the radio, Connie smiled as Grace turned it up and sang along.

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