Chapter 11

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That evening, with Grace walking slightly ahead holding Goldie's lead, Jacob had his arm linked with Connie's; the afternoon of baking had been a hit and even though it had tired Grace out to the point she needed another nap, they'd had a lot of fun together.

"How's she doing?" He asked.

"I've kept her busy but, it's really affected her; i spoke to him this afternoon"

"What did he say for himself?"

"The same usual crap; he thinks because he's been looking after her for a couple of months, he knows everything but...he doesnt listen to what she wants. Just been able to walk Sid down the road has made her happy..."

"She just wants some love and attention for the right reasons; she wants the praise when she does something good in her recovery but the encouragement when she's struggling. She wants to be able to go out and do things a normal teenager should be doing; she must be feeling all kind of emotions"

"I know; it's taken me a while to process everything but i know what i have to do. I told Sam earlier but i dont think he believed i would do it..."

"Do what?"

"I'm taking a leave of absence; i didnt take enough time off after Grace woke up. I know you tried to get me to and i didnt listen; right now, i have to be the better parent to her if Sam cant be bothered"

"It's not about whose the better parent; it's about doing what's the right thing for Grace. And for the record, as much as i'll miss not seeing your face during the day, i think you're making the right decision"

"Thank you; i think we should head back, Grace is slowing down"

"I can fix that"

Connie watched as Jacob took the lead off her daughter before bending down so she could climb on his back; happily, he carried her all the way back home when she settled on the sofa whilst he and Connie cooked dinner.

"You didnt have to do that" she said, referring to his actions.

"She was tired; you both need a good sleep"

"Are you working tomorrow?" She asked as she chopped the vegetables to add to his stir-fried chicken.


"I need to see Hansen; can you stay with Grace?"

"Course i can; how do you think he'll take it?"

"Honestly, i couldnt care less but for the staff's sake, i hope he doesnt appoint Sam; not so sure it would go down well with anyone"

"Let's just wait and see, eh? Go and relax with Grace and i'll give you a shout when it's ready"

It was several hours later when Connie was lying in bed alone that sh realise just what she was about to do; she was about to commit to been a full time stay at home parent for the first time in years but she knew she wouldnt be doing it alone this time. She had Jacob to help her when things got difficult or when things got tense between her and Grace; thinking about the upcoming changes also made her realise just how much she loved Jacob and how much she missed him when he was there.

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