Chapter 14

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A week later, Connie dropped Grace at school for her first day back before heading back home; Jacob had the day off and was still in bed when she climbed back in next to him, snuggling against his shoulder.

"She go in okay?" He asked, his eyes still closed.

"Perfectly fine"

"How about we get ready and i'll buy you lunch? Bit of shopping?" He suggested, looking at her with his eyes now open.


"It's not been the two of us alone for a long time; and i was thinking we could get Grace the laptop she's been asking for. Today's a big deal...for both of you..."

"I dont know..." she sighed. "I'm tired"

"You okay? You've been a bit off all week?"


"You get some rest; i'll get us some breakfast"

When he'd returned to the bedroom thirty minutes later, a tray of breakfast in his hands, she was sleeping comfortably; he knew she hadnt been sleeping properly and didnt have the heart to wake her. Connie finally awoke at just before midday; sitting up to take a drink of the orange juice on the side table, she turned her head back to Jacob.

"Feel better?" He asked.

"Sorry, i didnt mean to fall asleep for so long" she apologised.

"Whats going on Con? You've been all over the place the last couple of days; Grace is back at school and happy, you have your family back..."

"I dont...i don't know"

"How can i help?"

"I dont know Jay; my head is so jumbled. I'm worried about how Grace will cope; i'm nervous about going back to work. I feel sick all the time..."


"I'm constantly tired but i cant sleep through the night..."

"Con, stop" he said, halting her rant as he took her hand and cupped her cheek. "Take a deep breath and stop panicking"

When her breathing had even out, he placed her glass back on the side table and held her close; running his fingers through her hair to soothe her.

"Grace will be absolutely fine; she's strong like her mom. If she has any problems or she gets too tired, she'll call us; you can go back to work whenever you are ready to. Zoe is doing a pretty good job from what i can see; and yes, i'd noticed you werent sleeping properly but i put it down to worrying about Grace. Maybe...maybe the tiredness and the sickness is a sign of something else...?"

"Like what?" She whispered.

"Think about it; you're tired all the time, you have a lack of energy and constant nausea."

"You dont think..." she questionned, cottoning on to what he was suggesting.

"It's a possibility; maybe you should do a test?"

"Maybe" she replied, resting her head back on his chest.

Not wanting to push her, he made her some lunch before they went shopping; after picking up the laptop, they stopped at Boots for some more hair supplies. Jacob went to grab some deodorant and found Connie in the aisle containing the pregnancy kits; she bit her lip as she looked up at him.

"What if i am?" She asked.

"Then...we deal with it; i'm not going anywhere..." he promised as he held her close.

After paying for their items, they picked Grace up before heading home; after she'd got changed, the young schoolgirl sat on the sofa, inbetween them both as she snuggled against Connie.

"How was your day baby?" Connie asked.

"Long" she yawned.

"You were okay though? Your leg wasnt hurting?"

"A little"

"What about now?"

"Only a little"

"Just rest it for a while; we got you a little something"

"Why?" She asked, sitting up as Jacob placed the wrapped parcel on her lap.

"We wanted you to know how proud we were of how far you've come; you fought and you fought and here you are...back at school"

Ripping the paper off the box, Connie noticed the genuine smile across her daughters face; whatever happened next, she knew her family came first.

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