A Wonderful Parade and Other Memorable Things

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    I sighed as I pushed the last of the paperwork away. I was up last planning and signing consent forms for the show tomorrow. I love Oswald, he's a great guy, but 420 kids? Too. Many. Forms. Anyways, being an assistant manager for Mickey Mouse himself and being an assistant producer for their shows had its setbacks but I loved my work anyways. Mickey was always smiling and treated me like family which was always nice. I thought of them as my second family. Everyone here was so together and made this whole place light up. Well, Donald's mouth could use some fixing but  I'll leave that to Mickey.

    I glanced up at the clock on my desk. It had been around 4 o'clock when I first began to crack at the tons of papers. I stood suddenly, knocking a few onto the ground as in panic I realized that it was around 9 o'clock and I needed to be downstairs running a few more things over with Mickey and the kids before the night was over. I rushed out of my room and closed the door behind me with a gush of air that probably blew the remaining papers off the desk. Sprinting down the stairs to the living room, I silently prayed in my head that one of the kids didn't try to light something on fire.

~The Next Day, After the Show~

    Popping the last trumpet into its case, I smiled at the few kids gather around me.

    "Great work, you guys! I think this was our best show yet!" I praised as they all smiled brighter.

    "Thanks, Y/N!" They cried before running off towards the house. I smiled as I watched their small shapes disappear inside the building. They were so full of energy, every one of them. They were so lucky to have such great parents. My smile faltered a bit before I sighed and finished packing up the instruments. No need to dwell on sad thoughts (Y/N), I chided to myself. After one last check that everything was in place, I walked out of the garage and headed toward the living room. Everyone normally meets up there to talk about the show and how we can make it better next time. As I got inside the house, I heard Mickey talking with someone -, no two people I had never heard before. As I got closer, I could make out what they were saying.

    "You two like the show?" I heard Mickey asking.

    "Heck yeah, WE DID!!!" A younger sounding voice proclaimed. A chuckle could be heard from, I assumed to be, Mickey. I smiled knowing someone was enjoying the shows. Mickey and the crew put a lot of time into them and it's wonderful to see people like them. I walked out of the kitchen just as one of them said,

    "Eh, it was ok. Could have used more chicks." Suddenly all the eyes in the room turned and stared at me. It just so happened that even Donald and Goofy were there. Great. I glanced awkwardly at everyone.

    "Wait, what?"

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