Circulating Confrontations (Kinda)

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*Warning* This chapter may have content that is not suitable for some readers. It deals with suicide. If you are not comfortable with that, please skip this chapter. Thank you. *Warning*


I felt as if part of my heart had shattered. I have never heard Cuphead so broken, so torn. It all came through in his voice and it made tears begin to pour over my cheeks in a flood. I turned my back to Boris so he wouldn't have to see me like this and cupped my hand over my mouth to quiet the sobs. Bendy's voice broke the silence.

"You know well that was an accident!" He insisted. Cuphead continued.

"My fault or not . . . an accident or not . . . why would any of this matter? It's all over! it's either both of us or nothing . . ." He trailed off and silence overtook the alleyway again. Suddenly he spoke again.

"I just wish I could have told him that I loved him!" That broke even more and I began to shake. I turned to Boris and collided with him in a hug. He stiffened for a mere fraction but then quickly returned it. Silence hung over all of us for a while before I heard Bendy say,

"Umm, you okay?!" I jumped releasing Boris and turning on my heels, expecting him behind me. Instead, I saw an empty spot. I assumed he was still taking to Cuphead so I peeked my head around the corner to see Cuphead passed out in Bendy's arms. I motioned for Boris to follow me as we walked out of our spot. As we drew nearer, Boris spoke up.

"B-Bendy, is he alr-" But Bendy cut him off before he could finish,

"Yeah, just sleeping!" At this, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I thought I saw Bendy's eyes catch mine with a quick look but he must have just blinked.

"Let's just find him a comfortable safe place so we can leave him there," At this point, Bendy and I were staring at each other as my expression of relief melted into disbelief, "and then we can be on our way!"

"Wait, we're leaving him?" Boris asked.

"Yeah, pump the breaks, Bendy," I started, as he stood with Cuphead in his arms, "I don't care what your beef is in the past is or what I've witnessed between you two, you can't just leave someone . . . so ready to kill themselves alone!" I was practically yelling at him at this point, even as I struggled to find the words to say. Bendy had a sad yet surprised look on his face and Boris place his hand on my shoulder for support. I regained my breath and waited for Bendy to speak. He shifted Cuphead in his arms and then met my gaze.

"We won't always be there for him Y/N, and it is true he might try to kill himself again," I inhaled sharply and I felt Boris's hand tremble slightly, yet Bendy kept going, "so, if that's how it's going to be, there's no hope for him"

"But Bendy!" Boris started and Bendy cut him off again,

"He might seem harmless now but who knows when he might snap on us again! Who he might go after, who he might hurt." Bendu looked at me with pain in his eyes but it quickly glazed over in a sort of facade of strength, "I'm just doing what's best for all of us, okay? Now let's go." Bendy turned on his heels and walked out of the alleyway, Boris and I trailing behind.

I don't remember much of what happened from stepping out of the alley to the hospital. I remember the constant steps that I took after Boris and Bendy, a one and two motion I counted to make sure I was actually walking. Most of what I can recall is blurry, like looking through the bottom of a full water bottle. I heard the beeps from the heart monitor, the sickly heavy smell of chemicals and gauze, and the nurse and Bendy's garbled conversation. Still, I can't actually pick out anything actually tangible till we were outside the hospital walking away from it all. Boris's word pull me out of my trance,

" . . . just not fair. Anyways, shouldn't we be heading back to Mickey and the others?" Bendy scoffed,

"I don't know Boris, that mouse seemed to be a little too nice for no reason." I stopped short at this and so did Boris, his figure blocking me from Bendy's line of sight.

"So?" Boris asked. Bendy stopped and turned on his heels, his shadow moving in the setting sun.

"Come on bro, no one is that nice without wanting something in return!"

"Thanks, but I know what I'm doing!" Boris countered, "Besides, I can't just turn down an invitation like that, especially by someone as amazing as Mr. Mickey. He was there for you too, remember?" I heard Bendy scoff,

"You're so easily trusting. Why can't you grow up for once?" Boris stiffed and I could see from behind that he was trying to cry by the way his shoulders were shaking. At this point, I was kinda pissed, and I felt that Bendy wasn't thinking rationally anymore.

"Bendy can you take a step back for a second, please?" I stated as I stepped out from behind Boris's shaking figure. Bendy's gaze hit mine and I watch the transition of anger to confusion to guilt.

"Y/N, I forgot you were-"

"Forgot I was here, huh?" I finished, growing angrier, "So you think you can go bashing my family behind my back? Really? I thought you were better than this!"

Bendy looked conflicted and even more guilty as I continued,

"You can't just go around talking bad to people because you're mad okay? You almost made Boris cry with your inconsiderate comment!"

"Y/N, I know but-" I cut him off with a hand up in front of his face,

"Boris is the best sibling you could ask for, he's . . . he's loyal, kind, bright, innovative and trusting! Be happy you have someone like that still!" I slapped my hands over my mouth, realizing I had let slip a simple yet critical detail no one knew. Bendy looked back at me with shock at my speech (I hoped it was only from my speech). I felt tears run over my hands down my face as my breath echoed against them. I turned to see Boris with a carbon copy expression of Bendy, except he as well had tears streaming down his cheeks. I slowly dropped my hands to my sides and faced Bendy.

"Now if you'll excuse me," I wavered out, "I'm heading back to my "too nice" family. It was nice knowing you."

With that, I passed Boris and Bendy and headed down the sidewalk back to the cafe.

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