Some Don't See the Light

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He glared at us from across the room. We all felt the room drop a few degrees as we all had an intense staring match.

"M-mister," I heard from behind me. I swiveled around to see Boris has started to talk. I made a cutting motion at the side of my neck motioning for him to stop. He didn't get the message.

"Is your brother ok?" Boris asked, continuing on. I backed up toward Bendy as he grabbed Boris's arm, trying to tug him along.

"Boris!" He whispered through his teeth, "No! We need to get out of here!" Cuphead's eyes glazed over in anger, turning a terrifyingly bright red-orange. He stepped down off the doorstep and took a few paces towards us. He brought his finger up as it began to glow bright blue.

"Hit the deck!" Bendy yelled as a beam of blue magic shot over our heads. The brothers crashed to the floor out of their chairs as I fell face first onto the ground. Once everything had stopped glowing, we shot up to our feet and booked it for the door. I could hear Bendy yelling "Go, go, go!" under his breath as we ran for our lives. Cuphead chased after us, insane laughter spilling from his mouth. We ran for what seemed like miles before we rounded a corner and ended up in another alleyway. Bendy pushed us behind a second corner just as Cuphead round the first and came into the alley. He radiated anger and murder glowed in his already bright eyes.

"There's no need to hide you guys!" Cuphead called out at us, "I just wanna F***ING KILL YA, that's ALL! And I'm gonna enjoy it!" His eerily singsong voice bounced off all the walls, taunting us. I began to shake, terrified. Bendy subconsciously grabbed my hand to comfort me. He must do this a lot to help Boris, or maybe the other way around when he had his attacks. Anyways, it helped and I got it somewhat under control.

"I'LL FIND YOU! I'LL ALWAYS DO! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER REST! NEVER!" Cuphead screamed into the alleyway. Sudden his voice dropped.

"N. . . nev. . . er" His voice trailed off to hic's and sounds of crying. It hurt to hear his like that. Boris's eyes began to water and it took all my strength not to cry as well. Bendy let go of my hand as I pulled Boris into a hug, despite our height differences, and tried to quietly comfort him.

"A-alright Mugs, let's split up" Cuphead's voice started up again, even eerier than before. It no longer sounded like a madman but a broken man, "A-nd you l-look over t-the r-right. . . N-n-no my right you i-idiot!" More crying sounds came from his direction,

"YAY TEAMWORK!" He screamed out to the sky, his laughter choked with his tears. I could now feel tears falling down my cheeks, dripping off my chin. Boris then returned my hug as we cried together, silently in the alley. Bendy just looked over in the direction the noise came from with a sad but determined expression on his face. Boris sudden pulled away and looked at me in the eyes, his hands on my shoulders. he gave a look as if to ask if I was alright. I nodded. He then turned his head toward the sounds of Cuphead crying.

"I'm going to go check on him" He whispered into my ear. Bendy took notice and stuck his arm out to stop him.

"I know what you're thinking bro, but I'm not going to let you take such a risk," I went to say that I would go but he shook his head at me.

"You could fall on your knee and hurt yourself again. He is trigger happy at the moment and if you can't get up," He paused for a moment, "I'll check on him myself"

"Fine," I said as Boris whispered, "Be careful though!" He carefully leaned against the corner before leaning his head forward in a careful manner. Suddenly, his whole body jerked and he ran forward into the alley. I went to go with him but Boris held me back. We could then hear from the alley,

"What the heck do you think you're doing? Are you mad?" Bendy screamed. Three was a scuffle and then silence. Then the choked up voice of Cuphead broke the silence,

'W-who am I kidding? I'm the o-one who killed him. I'm the one who needs to die"

We Stay Together (AU!Bendy x Female!Cartoon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now