We Keep It Together . . . For the Most Part

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We both looked at Boris, who was rubbing his neck subconsciously.

"Yeah. My and my bro have a quest . . . to do, something" He said awkwardly,"We really need to hit the road, to say," Boris then turned to Mickey, "which means I will have to decline your offer" He looked so torn when he said it. Though, Bendy had said that Mickey was Boris's idol, which made sense with the calling him "Mr. Mickey", the straight enthusiasm about the shows and the awkward hug. I couldn't put myself in his place when he had to decline. Mickey also seemed torn but I didn't know for what reason.

"Oh," He said, now twisting his hands. Bendy came out of the washroom just finishing slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

"We'll get out of your hair before we cause any more problems," Bendy said as he headed for the door, "Thanks for your help Mickey and thank you for the company, Y/N." He finished opening the door and heading out onto the street out front. Boris turned to us and smiled,

"Yeah, Thanks for everything Mr. Mickey and Miss Y/N!" I blushed slightly at his cutesy name but kept smiling, "You really helped us a lot today!" Mickey seemed at a lost for words at their abrupt departure but sputter out,

"Y-You're welcome, b-but-" A call from outside from Bendy telling Boris to hurry cut Mickey short but just as Boris headed out the door he turned back,

"I hope we'll meet again soon!" He said waving goodbye. I waved back, watching his skip down the pathway.

"Goodbye, you two! Good luck in the future!" They greeted me one last time before turning the corner. I closed the door behind me to see Mickey almost in tears, then hit the wall with his fist. He almost seemed to growl as he did.

"Hey!" I said in a panicked voice,"What's wrong, Mic?" I asked grabbing his shoulders. He shook me off and headed toward the kitchen as I trailed behind him. Donald walked into the kitchen from Oswald's room and noticed Mickey's hurt and disappointed look.

"For the last time Mickey," Donald began, "you just can't help everyone out there. No matter how hard you try." Mickey just hugged his shoulders, tears brimming in his eyes at Donalds's words. As harsh as the duck's speech was, he wasn't wrong, not that I was going to admit that out loud. Mickey tried so hard but sometimes, you can't fix everything. Mickey then spun around to face Donald,

"But, I just can't," He started, looking for the right words, "He's going to be alone in this world! I want to . . . No! I need to be there for him!" Mickey cried. Donald just rolled his eyes and whispered under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear it,

"You, Mickey Mouse, are a lost cause" I stepped on his foot causing him to quack. He was about to give me heck but I sent him a glare letting him know that I heard his small comment. I turned back to Mickey.

"I am going to start lunch for everyone. Do know if Oswald is going to eat? Or just a half portion?" Mickey's eyes shot open and he slapped his hand onto his forehead,

"Oh no! Ozzy!" He exclaimed. Donald just placed his hands on his hips,

"Calm down. He's ok," He said pointing towards Oswald's door, "He was acting kinda strange but the kids helped him feel better, I guess" I was happy that all the kids are looking after Oswald. He really needs them. He does remember her though, especially when the kids purr. Mickey told me that she used to do that and that's where the kids got it.

I opened the fridge to find the milk door empty. I internally groaned and closed the fridge after pulling out a few things for lunch.

"Donald?" I asked, drawing the duck's attention to me, "I have to go run and get some milk. Can you make lunch?" Donald rolled his eyes but begrudgingly agreed. As he passed, I whispered to him, "Don't burn the house down. We can't pay that kind of rent,"

He just smirked and started cooking. It was warm out so I just shoved the cash I had in my pocket, heading out of the house after a farewell to the crew and a lecture from Mickey about safety. I walked down the streets drawing nearing to the small store nearby. That's when I heard something. It was coming from a small park bathroom. It sounded like two people in an argument.

Then it exploded.

We Stay Together (AU!Bendy x Female!Cartoon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now