An Accidental Save and Death Threats for Everyone

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I was thrown off my feet and onto the pavement, landing on my butt. As I looked up, I saw Bendy streak out of the ruins, followed in hot pursuit by a cartoon with a cup for a head. They ran down the sidewalk to an alley just up ahead. Then, to my left, Boris came screaming by, tears streaming down his face and yelling "Bendy!" He was being chased by someone similar but more like a mug for a head. I stood up and began to run after them. Even though I had just met these people, they were in trouble and I needed to help them! I think Mickey was starting to rub off on me. That was at the back of my mind when I enter the alley to see the mug headed one shoot a blue light from his finger. It was aimed at Boris. I ran at him and tackled him to the ground. I got most of the impact, as I rolled to make sure that he landed on top of me.

A cry out. A thud of impact. Then silence.

I looked up from the ground to see the mug headed man. He covered in blood. A large burn mark was on his stomach, bleeding out. His eyes were wide and a look of shock was placed in his facial features. I brought my hand to my mouth in shock and to stop myself from puking right then and there. The cup headed man fell to his knees and gripped the sides of his head in agony. Tears were streaming down his face and he was shaking. Bendy made his way over to where Boris and I were lying. He helped Boris off the ground and checked him over before offering me his hand to help me up.

My knee was bleeding a lot. I must have scrapped it when I tackled Boris. I wobbled when I stood up and hissed when I put pressure on my leg. Boris picked me up bridal style and it would have been embarrassing if I wasn't firstly, scared for my life and secondly, injured. He was pretty strong for a twelve-year-old or it might have just been my height. I look over to see the cup headed man had stood up and gone over the other toon. He bent down and placed a hand on his forehead.

"Mugs?" He said, barely above a whisper, "H-Hang in there. Let me just take you to-" 'Mugs' eyes started to close and breath became shallower. The cup headed man started to panic, gripping 'Mugs' shoulder.

"Hey. HEY! No! Open your eyes! OPEN THEM RIGHT NOW!" He as he yelled shook 'Mugs' shoulder. When he did respond, the cup headed man picked 'Mugs' up and started to walk away. Boris stepped forward. I looked at him in confusion and he looked for the right words.

"Sir," Boris started warily, "please let us h-help. . ." He stammered. Bendy made a cutting motion across his neck at Boris to tell him to stop but it was too late. The cup headed man stopped walking.

"Hehe," He began to laugh, "HaHAHA!" His laughter echoed out creepily in the empty alleyway, "D-did I say your death was going to be 'quick and painless'?" He asked, his voice playfully asking the question as if daring us to answer it. He then turned, rage rippled beneath his features and his eyes glowing red from anger and the build up power he was containing.

"My bad!" He yelled, "I meant I'm gonna enjoy tearing you limb from limb! Especially you," He look straight at me, his gaze going from crazed to straight angry, "if you hadn't gotten in the way, our job would be done, and NON of this WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!" He screamed the last part as more angry tears streamed down his face.

I began to cry slightly and Bendy took notice. He grabbed Boris's elbow and began to steer him away from the cup headed man, though not taking his eyes off him.

"Let's get out of here Boris. He's going crazy." Bendy stated cautiously.

"But . . . what about-" Boris started but Bendy cut him off,

"He'll help him out on his own," Bendy reassured, "it's not our problem." We exited the alley and then they broke into a run coming back the way we came, away from the alley where the cup headed man was standing still. We stopped at the park where we were before and Boris set me down on the ground. I thanked him for carrying me and he gave me a small, sad smile. He was crying more now and I also now noticed how ashen and burnt Bendy's clothing looked as well as that his goggles were off and in his hand. As I wiped the remnants of tears off my face, he turned to Boris.

"For the love of . . ." He started, "Why are you crying, Boris? They both deserved to die!"

"B-but they didn't seem all that bad!" Boris defended, tears flowing freely now, "Something or someone is making them do this, I just know it! Poor guy, he shot his own brother!" He then sat dejectedly on the ground more tears flowing down his face.

"Wait," I said trying to stand but immediately regretting it, "you guys have met before?" Bendy turned from Boris and nodded.

"Those two are Cuphead and Mugman. They have tried to kill us from the start, ever since we started the- ever since we first met." Bendy said with a grim expression. I nodded and he turned back to Boris.

"It's okay, Boris," Bendy said patting Boris's head in a comforting manner, "They are both strong goofs, they'll be okay," He then grabbed both of Boris's cheeks and stared intently at him,

"Now, where's my happy wittle wolfy?" he said. Boris smiled slightly and mumbled something undetectable. Bendy nuzzled Boris and said, "I can't hear you!"

"Here I am!" Boris said half-happily and half in defeat. I held in an 'Awwww' at their cuteness. Just then, a shout broke my concentration on the brotherly cuteness.

"Boris! Y/N!"

We Stay Together (AU!Bendy x Female!Cartoon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now