Nostalgia is The Worst

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Oswald's ears shot up and his eyes went wide in surprise. He was staring at a cat sitting at the counter. They looked a lot like her. I was about to tell him it wasn't when he leaped forward. He gave them a bone crushing hug and began to lovingly nuzzle their head. They turned to be a he who then said,

"S-sir?" He stutters, his face completely red.

"Holy s***!" Donald exclaimed beginning to laugh.

"Donald, watch your mouth!" Mickey said before turning back to Oswald, "and, um, Ozzy?"

Oswald then broke from his trance and looked at the man sitting there better to see that it was not his wife. His demeanor dropped to its normal "dead inside" look as he realized the truth of the situation. Mickey came over to get him while saying,

"What has gotten into you?" The man at the both stayed there, still completely flustered. Boris started to come over, seeing as Mickey seemed to need some help with Oswald, who wouldn't really move. I started to come over but I hissed when I hit my knee on a table. Bendy then dragged me over to a close table. Luckily, it was close to where the situation was so I could still hear it.

"I'm so sorry," Mickey was saying when I tuned in again, "I don't know what to," The man at the both cut him off, cheeks still quite red,

"O-oh no! It's ok! Who can say no to a hug? Hehe," He began to trail off but Mickey took it as an answer. Bendy was still starting at the guys at the counter. He then stood up and walked over to him. Boris was talking to Mickey as he led Oswald away.

"Do you need any help, Mr. Mickey?" Mickey shook his head at him,

"No, no! Ozzy just needs some rest. I'll be back soon with ya soon Boris!" He then led Oswald over to my table and sat down with me.

"Where's Donald?" Mickey asked immediately. I jerked a thumb at the counter when he was talking to Max, Goofy's son. He nodded and turned to Oswald, "You stay here Ozzy. I'll get ya something to eat!"

Oswald had his chalkboard out and was writing something. Mickey saw it and spelled it out,

"S-O-R-R-Y? Aww, no need to be sorry bro! Like I can be mad at you!" Mickey then got up while saying, "BRB bro!" I took one of Oswald's paws in mine to comfort him. I hadn't gotten to know him as much as I did everyone else but from what I did know, he had it rough. The man from earlier had gotten up and walked over to where we were, gradually get more fluster the closer he got so I took that as a cue to leave and let them have a conversation. I walked over to Bendy and Boris who were now sitting at the counter. They both were wearing smiles.

"What's got you guys so happy?" I said, pulling myself up on the chair next to Bendy. They both turned to me,

"Dude! I met the Felix! He said that he's gonna write a new book soon! I can't wait!" I smiled, noting how happy Bendy was, an emotion I had seen glimpses of all day. Now though, this was full-fledged, raw emotion with not stoppers or walls.

"It seems like was both met our idols today! That's just so lucky, right?" Boris said. I nodded.

"It really is! Speaking of lucky, my knee is feeling a lot better" My feet didn't touch the bottom of the chair so I stretched my leg out, back and forth to show it was feeling better. Bendy looked a bit skeptical, so I stood up and was about to start jumping on it when the door burst open with a loud bang as it hit the wall. All three of us sweat dropped.

It the door frame stood Cuphead.

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