Trying My Patience

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I could hear him calling after me as soon as I rounded the corner of the block. As of as soon as I was lost from his line of sight, the paragraph I had given him had finally sunk in. I slowed my paced and then began to walk hurriedly forward. "Just get back to the restaurant," I thought to myself, "Just get back to Mickey and the gang. Then I don't have to worry about this again. Not ever. Just continue with the show. Move on. Again." The "Again" part hurt my conscious but I just kept walking trying to forget the pain that started to ache in my chest. I was so caught up in my own thoughts I didn't hear my name being called from behind me.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) please slow down! We need to talk!" The distinct voice of Bendy echoed from behind me. I wiped the remnants of tears from my face and tried to pick up my pace again but a hand grabbed my forearm. I could hear the deep breaths from behind me but I refused to turn around and see his face.

"Bendy, please let go of my arm," I asked quietly, not wanted to raise my voice in fear of yelling at him again.

"Please (Y/N), you have to let me say my part," Bendy pleaded, pulling lightly on my arm, trying to pull me around. I resisted as I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

"Why Bendy?" I said slightly louder, testing the strength of my voice, "You really hurt me when you said those things about my family. You don't know them, you don't know Mickey and how many people he's helped or tried to help. How he helped me." With that, I finally found the courage to look at Bendy. His face was cracked open with emotion, guilt, fear and sadness pouring through the crevices. As I was about to give my final words to send him off, he pulled me into a tight hug. I gasped slightly at the sudden contact.

"(Y/N), believe me when I say that I am very sorry, extremely sorry, for the things I said to you," Bendy said quietly as we embraced, "You were right, I took what Mickey did for us for granted and I'm sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me." I felt the sincerity of his word melt into my soul. I quickly returned the hug and said back,

"I forgive you. Thank you for telling me. It really means a lot," I could feel him nod against my shoulder before we let go.

"Well," Bendy said quickly as soon as we stopped hugging, "I should go find Boris and then we should really head back to the restaurant before Mickey freaks out about where we are." I shot him a confused look as we began to walk back down the street in the direction we came.

"I thought you didn't want to?" He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, I can't be that cruel to Boris and I was just angry." Bendy seemed a little embarrassed at what he said but I just smiled back at him.

"Aren't you a considerate gentleman?" I teased him slightly, making him laugh.

"But of course!" He said before looking forward and waving. I looked up to see a tired Boris jogging up the pavement. When he met us halfway, he bent over to catch his breath.

"Wow (Y/N), you sure can run fast!" I laughed shortly as we started to head back to the restaurant. We joked around and laughed at random things, making small talk to distract ourselves from what had happened in the last two hours. Other than the highlights, we tried to move on. It began to get harder as we saw the restaurant come into view, smoke still rolling out the windows and front door.

"Here we go," I said out loud to no one, in particular, as we pushed the slightly broken door open and walked in, only to catch Mickey saying something most unfortunate.

"(Y/N)! MY BORIS!" I internally, and externally, cringed as soon as the words left his mouth. Mickey hadn't seen us yet, his back facing the door, and when he turned, he found Boris's embarrassed face, Bendy's scowling one and my uncomfortable one all staring at him. HIs face immediately dropped its determined expression and morphed it into one that was entirely sheepish.

"Oh! Thank goodness you're safe! A-All of you, of course! Hehe . . ." He trailed off. I internally rolled my eyes as I watched Mickey unsuccessfully try to backpedal on his comment.

"Do you know happened here," Mickey said to Boris quickly, trying to change the subject. He tenderly grasped Boris's forearm as he looked up at him, "or did you miss it like I did?"

"W-Well . . ." Boris started but, as quick as lightning, Bendy cut him off. I didn't even see him coming, as he suddenly sidestepped from beside he to beside Boris to whack Mickey's hand arm off Boris's arm.

"Sorry, we don't do a lot of touching. It's a family thing." He said nonchalantly as Mickey rubbed his hand. I narrowed my eyes at him as he continued talking, "Now, thanks for everything, but we're kinda in a hurry. Just ask one of your friend's about what happened." I felt my insides boil. Didn't he just do something similar to this? Like, maybe, 20 minutes ago? I stepped forward to give him a comment back, frustrated that he was once again being rude towards my family but he saw me walking forward and pulled me in front of him facing Mickey.

"Here, ask (Y/N) what happened. She was there." Automatically, Mickey switched from a concerned and hurt mouse to complete MomTM as soon as he knew I was involved.

"(Y)-(Y/N)! What does Bendy mean "She was there"! What happened?!" Mickey began to go, shouting at me while holding my arms to my sides, concerned and looking for answers. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Bendy herding Boris out the door. "Oh no, you don't," I thought to myself as I turned back to Mickey who was expecting an answer.

"Um," I started releasing myself from Mickey's grip, "hold that thought Mic," I said before dashing out the door after the Bros. His yells of protest were cut off as the door slammed shut after me as I ran out of the restaurant. Once I got to the streets, I cried out,

"Hold up, you sneaky little-!" I started only to see that I was alone on the pavement, Bendy and Boris nowhere in sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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