Keeping Calm for the Sake of Keeping Him Strong

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"Oh no, Bendy!" Boris cried, "Hang in there!" Mickey's eye widened with horror.

"Oh my goodness!" He exclaimed, rushing over to where they were before yelling at Donald to get Oswald out of the room. Oswald had started to break down, tears streaming down his face and his eyes glazed over in an everlasting pain. It was almost as if he had fallen from this world entirely and was lost in his own nightmare. Donald picked him up and carried him out of the room just a Bendy let out another guttural scream. The kid's eyes filled with tears and began to cry "Papa!" at Oswald as they left the room but he was too lost. Mickey had helped Boris carry Bendy out of the room and into one of the spare rooms and supplied a garbage can. And I? I was frozen. Amid all the chaos, screams and footsteps, I was frozen still. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there replaying the images of that last few minutes in my head. Oswald's face of terror. Boris's expression of fear.

Bendy's howl of pain.

None of them would leave my head. I heard a door close slightly and footsteps coming closer. An arm wrapped itself around my shoulders and I could feel it pull me towards one of the couches. I was sat down and the other person pulled me close till my head was resting on their shoulder. My sight focused for a second and I realized it was Mickey. The adrenaline from the event came rushing in and I began to shake. Mickey began to rub my back soothingly and petted my head.

"Shhh, Y/N. It's ok. You're going to be ok. Shhh . . . " He said over and over again until I stopped shaking enough to think straight.

"B-Be-Bendy," I started, catching on my words. Mickey's frown deepened and he looked away from me.

"He has, the ink illness," He stated with a sad sigh, "He might not make it much longer." I gasped slightly and began to shake more, causing Mickey rubbed my back again.

"He's strong though," He started before taking a minute to find the words to say, "we just need to be there for him and his brother while they are here, ok Y/N?" I nodded and looked away but he brought my gaze back as he said,

"Let's be strong together, sweetie," Mickey pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. We pulled away from each other and Mickey patted the top of my head.

"I should go check on them. Do you think you can come?" He asked. I took a deep breath and nodded, getting up shakily before following Mickey towards the room. There was ink on the bed as well as on the floor. A garbage can on the side was filled with it, though it seemed weird and infected. I tried not to puke as I saw it. As we walked in, Boris was holding Bendy's hand as Bendy said,

"I'm sorry for ruining your first impression, Boris," He said. Bendy sounded so devastated that it hurt my heart. Boris smiled tryingly and he gave a small, sad laugh.

"Haha, you're so funny Bendy," He chuckled, although it seemed frantic and forced, "as if I care about that right now!" Bendy smiled a little but gave up as he had another coughing fit. Boris noticed as we entered and stood up.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Mickey," He said with a look at Bendy, who had closed his eyes and seemed to be trying to sleep the pain away. Mickey placed a tentative hand on the wolf's shoulder and asked,

"Boris, do you think I could speak to you, outside?" Boris looked as if he wanted to agree but gave another look at Bendy. I stepped forward,

"I can look after him while you go," I offered. Boris gave a smile close to the one he wore when he first came. He enveloped me in a hug and whispered in my ear,

"Thank you. I owe you one Y/N," Then he followed Mickey out into the hallway. I pulled on of the boxes that we never unpacked from the corner of the room and sat on it next to the bed. Bendy chest was rising and falling is a semi-steady pattern as he slept. I just then noticed that he wasn't wearing his shirt, exposing his chest. I quickly looked down to make sure that if he woke up he would think I was weird. What if something actually happened though, I thought. What if he has another bad coughing fit? What if he doesn't like me in here and only wants Boris? I was so wrapped in my thoughts I didn't notice Bendy wake up. I only did when he called my name making me almost fall off my box.

"Are you ok?" He asked, "You had worry lines all over your face" I quickly smiled and nodded my head.

"I'm fine," I quickly answered, "but I should really be asking you that question!" I said teasingly. Bendy just smiled and laid back farther into the pillow, putting his arm over his eyes as if to block the light. We sat in silence a bit more until a weird bark-like noise came from the living room. I sat up and walked over to the door. Bendy was also looking up, curious to see. I opened the door to see Mickey giving Boris a hug. The poor wolf's face was completely tomato red and he seemed to have let out that noise when Mickey did hug him. Mickey was know holding him at arm's length in concern, looking at his face. Boris was just staring off into the distance in, my opinion, quite obvious shock at what had just happened.

I closed the door again and chuckle softly to myself. Bendy heard it though, and when I turned around, peppered me with,

"What happened?" His voice seemed half-curious, half-concerned. I just smiled,

"Mickey gave Boris a hug and Boris let out an accidental bark," I told him. He started to smile, causing me to continue, "and now his face is a complete tomato!" I finished. Bendy gave a short laugh before it turned into a cough. As he pulled his hand away from his mouth, he was smiling,

"Hehe. Looks like he didn't need my help to ruin things for him, huh?" Now it was my turn to laugh. We talked for a bit more and I got to know him a bit better. He was a Mechanic and was helping train Boris. Apparently, he was good a dancing and he knew quite a few cheesy pickup lines. One made me laugh so hard that I fell through the boxes and crushed a stack of blankets. Bendy was at first concerned but then began to laugh. The more we talked the more he seemed to get better. I smiled because I was glad to be some sort of helpful.

Just as I finished hiding the remains of the broken box, Mickey and Boris walked in.

"Are you feeling better, Bendy?" Boris asked. Bendy had sat up on the bed to talk to me better. He smiled and nodded at Boris,

"Yup. Just let me put my clothes back on. Then I guess we can hit the road," He said standing up. My smile fell slightly as I started,

"Hitting-" "-the road?" Mickey finished.

We Stay Together (AU!Bendy x Female!Cartoon!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now