"with or without the mask"

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"Okay here is the first one 'With or with out the mask.' It's so cute!"

I play the video and sit in the back. As Chloe woke up.

(Ladybug takes out her earings)
"YOU'RE LADYBUG!!!" Everyone shouted, I shot an arrow near them. "Shh."
(Chat reviled him self.)
"Adrien is Chat?" The class thought. They were afraid I was going to shoot another arrow at them.
(Marinette pushes Adrien away. "Go away I'm sick of illusions!")
"Girl. You pushed him away!" "This isn't even real Alya." Marinette said  "But still!"
(After Adrien showed that he was real and left to get her earings back and stop Volpina. Marinette realized everything they have done together was him.)
Everyone Burts out laughing and some of the girls fangirled.
"She kissed me? When?" Adrien was worried about.
Everyone laughed and was concerned with how Marinette described herself. Chloe was upset hearing what Adrien was cheaking off about Marienette.

"Dumb cat puns? There purrfect." Adrien said, everyone groaned.

Adrien had the same expression as the comic with what tikki said.

A lot awed when they kissed at the end.

"You guys can talk now. Just no yelling please."

I put my headphones in to listen to music watching them in case something bad happens.

Everyone crowded around Adrienette talking to them about them being heros. Chloe pushed her way to yell at Marienette for being ladybug. What she told herself in the comic was true. Adrien wrapped his arms around Marienette telling her she's not. And what he told her in the comic was true.

I saw what happened turned my music of and yelled. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" they did instead Chloe and I shot her making go her to sleep.

"It's safe, you guys can take a break waiting for her to wake up."

Adrien and Marienette go in a different room to talk. With my stelth I fallow them.

"I'm glad it's you." "I'm glad it's you too. But I guess I have to deal with your puns." "Heh, are you really upset that that's what people think of you if they knew who you were?" "Yeah." "I don't. I feel the same way about you as I said in the comic." "Really?" "Of course Bugaboo." Adrien pulls her in for a short kiss and I interup them.

"Okay the next one will explain to everyone about that. If you guys are ready come on back please." I leave to get some fruit to eat while I pull up the pic.

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