music videos part 2

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"For this next song you are going to have to comfort Adrien. This is about him." I whispered to Marienette. She wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Next song is Silent Scream by Anna Blue male version."

Everyone started tearing up. Marinette and Adrien were crying holding each other. "That's so sad. I wish we could be there for you." The class said. They all go around and hug Adrien. Adrien is so happy to have friends like them. This is everything he wants friends who care for him, and let him be who he is. After a while they sit back down. Adrien and Marienette in each others arms.

"Bring me to life by Evanescence. This is about Nathaniel and Juleka."

Everyone said like cool, or they felt bad for them.

"Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne"

Everyone couldn't stop laughing. Adrien was both embarrassed and couldn't stop laughing.

"What the Hell by Avril Lavigne."

Everyone laughed.
"Okay that's all of the songs. How about some funny moments. He he.

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