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OK. so, here's the deal. I am an awful writer and this is probably gonna be pretty cringy. this is my first story, but I plan to write more. OK. another thing. I talk WAY to much, so just skip over this. The actual story will explain everything. Thank you so much for reading it means a lot to me because I usually just get ignored (because I'm weird and shy, but still.) anyway. I've been talking for way to long now so ya........

Marinette's POV

I was going to be early for school for the first time in forever, but of coarse, someone had to ruin in. Chloe. "I want to chat with you, Maritrash. I have a problem, and you're the cause. No cause, no effect. So, I need to tell you to back off my Adrikins. first, he's mine, second, he'd never like you back. Third, he has a crush and it's not you. Plus, we're going to start dating. My daddy set it up. so, if everything goes according to plan, we'll be dating in two weeks. try and stop me." then she turned on her heel and walked away

I just glared at her back while she walked of. Was it real? who did Adrien like? waaaaaiiiiiiit.......if she didn't say who he likes, so maybe he's being forced into it, which means I might be able to..........I need Alya.

I ran the rest of the way to school. when I found Alya, she was talking to Adrien and Nino. I came up behind her and waved to Adrien. he smiled and waved back. I put my head on Alya's shoulder to get her to recognize I was here. she must of sensed something was wrong because she said she had to go and grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

Alya's POV

Mari will be pissed when I tell her my news. Let's just hope what I found out will not happen. She looked at me in the eyes "I need to ask you a question. Well two, first, Alya, what were you talking to Adrien and Nino about? and Second I need to ask you a favor." I told her to tell me the favor first. "well, on my way to school I saw Chloe. she talked to me about something disturbing" "oh no" I groaned "She said that they're gonna start dating in two weeks!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!! I HATE THAT-" she started, but I cut her off. "well, that's what I was talking to Adrien about." I take a breath and prepare for it. "It's true. Chloe's dad forced it, and Gabriel agreed simply because he wanted his son to have a girl to model with, but if he finds a real girlfriend in two weeks, he can date the girl of his choice. unfortunately he told me he hasn't found the right girl and he doesn't want to date someone he doesn't love." she looked into space for a bit then started talking "but if he found me......... oh! Chloe said he has a crush!! she doesn't seem to know who, but if we find out we can help them!! alright. here's my plan. you try to find out from Nino, and I'll try to befriend the one and only Adrien."

I almost laughed at the idea of Mari trying to befriend Adrien, but I mean, if she really tries she can. "but we don't have long. two weeks, that's bull. anyway, operation befriend them starts now. pound it!" then I realized something. "say pound it again..." she looked at me weird for a second, then started to sweat slightly. "ummm...ok. he he. pound it." but I could tell she changed her voice. I decided to drop it because right now we have a very hard task ahead of us.

Adrien's POV

I was talking to Alya about Chloe, when Mari came along. she put her head on Alya's shoulder, and suddenly they left. Alya just pulled Mari away. Nino turned to me and started pestering me on who my crush was. I've never told anyone. people know I have a crush, it's just no one knows who. i'm not ashamed of my crush, it's just.....people would go crazy if I had a crush and either hate her or ship us. I didn't want my princess to get hurt now would I? actually, the whole crush thing has been weighing down on my shoulders a lot. I know it's "just a crush" but I get pressured, ok? I knew who I needed to talk to, My lady. I decided to find her after school. she always helps me with my problems.

Mari's POV

I want to tell Alya that I'm Ladybug, she deserves to know, but Tikki warned me not to. I'll have to ask her what happens if I do. the whole Adrien Chloe thing is so awful and stressful. I need someone outside of the situation to talk to..........maybe Chat. He helps me figure out all my problems. I'll have to talk to him tonight. I am always at the Effil Tower so he can find me there.

As I go into homeroom, I spot out Adrien and Nino. they seem to be talking about something important. Adrien seems upset and Nino has a frown on. I take my seat behind Adrien and try to eavesdrop, but the teacher starts class. "Alright, all this week we will be doing projects. I will assign the topics AND groups. there are three groups of four and one group of three. I did try to be nice with the groups. If you work well with your friend I may put you in a group with them. Alright, here are the groups." I silently prayed to be with Adrien.

"first group: Alix, Mylene, Lila, Ivan.

second group: Rose Juleka, Max, Kim

Third group: Marinette, Alya, Nino, Adrien

Fourth group: Chloe, Sabrina, and Nathaniel.

I hope you have no proble-" "NO PROBLEMS? NO PROBLEMS? I NEED MY ADRIKINS IN MY GROUP! WE'RE GONNA BE DATING SOON, SO I NEED HIM IN MY GROUP!!!" Don't remind me. "Chloe, you're not dating him yet, and people dating had nothing to do with the groups. you have your friend in your group. it's not so bad. now please sit down before I send you to the office." the teacher said "I'm going to call my daddy!! he will NOT like this!" she whined as she took her phone out. "Now, Chloe. that isn't necessary, it's not going to change anything. plus the signal is out. It will be a hour or two before it's back." she glared at the teacher but put her phone away. "you'll regret this..."

we got into our groups and Alya and I secretly celebrated. this was perfect for getting the information. we are studying the seven natural world wonders. we got the Great Barrier Reef. we have to have a presentation on it ready by Monday. It can't be powerpoint, a poster, or really anything we want. we decided on making one of those thingies with the cardboard middle and two sides which I'm totally blanking on right now. We spent the entire class period working on it.

Adrien's POV

I got a group with Nino, which is friken awesome, Alya, and Mari. basically my friend group. I would call Alya and Mari my friends, but I'm not sure they like me as much as I like them. The work time was surprisingly fun, and Mari and I talked a lot. turns out she's pretty cool. I ship Nino and Alya, but they both say they don't like each other, but it's pretty obvious. They've started to hang out more, which leaves Mari and I to get closer. she actually resembles Ladybug a lot, and now that I say it, they have the same personality, just Mari is shy and Ladybug's not.

we all hung out together at lunch, and talked a lot. the whole Chloe thing did come up, but only briefly. I hope I find a girlfriend soon......I definitely don't want to date Chloe. she's changed since we were friends.

Nino's POV

Ok, hate to say it, but even though Adrien has a crush, I ship him and Mari. they would be cute together. Alya told me Mari likes Adrien, because I promised her not to tell. She asked me who Adrien liked, but I didn't know. we made it a personal mission to find out. Alya's pretty awesome, and I want to hang out with her more. plus, if Alya and I hang out, Mari and Adrien will, which means that my awesome ship will happen. Because of that, Alya and I will hang out more. And no, I DO NOT have a crush on her. nuh uh.

Alya's POV

I got Nino onto my side in figuring out who Adrien's crush is. turns out, he doesn't know either. I like hanging out with him, but I DO NOT I repeat DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM. anyway, after school I asked Mari if she wanted to hang out later and she FREAKED OUT!!! I didn't know why, and I considered following her home, but decided I shouldn't, because true friends would trust their BFF. I told her to tell me why when she's ready. she just ran off. that girl is crazy.

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