5- Ladybug

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Mari's POV

For lunch we go down to the lobby. They give us some sack lunches, so Alya and I go ask Rose and Juleka if they want to eat lunch with us. Rose says she'd rather eat lunch in her room, and Juleka stays with her. Alya suggests we go explore New York and find a nice place to eat lunch. I pack my backpack full with our lunches, phone chargers, some napkins, money, and a camera. I also grab my pencil and sketchbook in case I get some inspiration.

We leave and walk down the street. It is so busy here! People are rushing everywhere, and no one seems to take their time to enjoy things. The buildings tower above us. We pass by a lot of chinese food shops, but mostly pizza. Apparently New York has amazing pizza. There are small parks, but they don't look much like a actual park. We find a park with benches and sit down.

After we eat, we through away our lunch bags and napkins, and walk along for another while. When we get back to the hotel, it's almost dinner time. We go about our own buisness, me sketching, Alya typing away at something.

We go down to dinner around 6, and Miss. Bustier meets us at the lobby. "We will be eating here today, I ordered in pizza. I found a news channel from France, so we can stay up to date as much as we can. I know we said we would get out of the work for these two weeks, but I will be assigning you to write a journal about your experience here in New York. When we get back, you'll be writing a report on it." The class groans.

We sit down on two couches in front of a huge TV. Chloe has a smug look on her face, and keeps looking at Adrien.

"Covering news! Ladybug and Cat Noir have gone missing! There have been no akuma attacks" Adrien, Chloe and I all sigh in relief. Why Chloe? "but Mayor Bourgeois tells us some exciting news on uncovering ladybug!" What? Probably that I'm here? I hope not. "Hello Paris! As you know Ladybug and Chat Noir have been protecting Paris for sometime now, undercover. Wouldn't you feel safer if you knew who they were? Well, Ladybug personally told me who she is! She did tell me not to tell you, but for Paris's safety, I have to. Ladybug, I am sorry." I never told him! Who pretended she was me? How dare they!? Adrien and I share a doubtful look.

"I've known Ladybug sense she was just a little baby. She has loved me dearly sense then. Yes, the one and only, Chloe Bourgeois. I-" The TV is turned off. Everyone is staring at Chloe. She flipps her hair. I hate that little- "Well, I told you. I am Ladybug." Adrien looks at me confused. We need to talk. "Transform. Transform into ladybug. If you really are her." Adrien says. "Well, my earrings are at home, so I can't. Sorry." She sais. Of course. "Well, did you bring you're kwami with you? You can't have left her at home to!" I say. No one knows about kwamis, but a holder will. "How do you know about kwami's? Are you spying on me?!" She yells, outraged. "No, but I personally know Cat Noir, so I know about holders. Who is you're kwami again, I forgot." She looks nervous. "How do you know Cat Noir's secret identity and not me!? That's not fair!" She yells "You're avoiding the question, who is you're kwami?"

She yells and stalks out. "As you can tell, she is not ladybug." Alya states, matter of factly. I silently thank her. "Ya, she couldn't be Ladybug." Nino agrees. Nathaniel puts in "I think she is. She would be a really good Miraculous holder, I can see the Ladybug in her." Somethings up with him. Sabina, however, agrees with Nathaniel. Rose looks torn, but I can tell Juleka has made up her mind. Max is looking down the hall were Chloe went.

"What do you think Juleka?" I ask. She looks nervous to share, but she does anyway. "She can't be ladybug. She's not nice enough." She whispers. Rose nods her head. Well, now all I need to know is Max. He looks at Nathaniel for an answer, I hope he doesn't take Chloe's side.

Instead of answering, he walks down the hall, and stops right in front of Chloe's door. He leans down and picks up a piece of paper. He walks back to us."I'm guessing this paper will tell us the answer, but it seems to be in some sort of code. It says "2,5 - 17, 5, 1, 4, 25 - 18, 16, 14, 9, 7, 8, 18. "12, 1, 4, 25, 2, 21, 7". ;)" (I know it's really cheesy, and an awful code, but just pretend it's better, I'm too lazy to make a good code.) "Well duh, it's obviously the most easy code ever! Be ready tonight, "ladybug". Winky face."

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