7- Dating!!!!!!

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Mari's POV

I'm still going over his words in my head. "I really do like you. A lot." HE LIKES ME!!!! FOR REAL!!! Alya walks over to me. "Marinette Du-Pen Chang! You are supposed to rest! Not dance around in our room. Last chance before I tie you down to your bed! You have a concussion!"she chides me.

"it's only minor. I'll be back out there before you know it!" but I think I fall asleep fast after that.

Ugh. My head hurts. What time is it? I glance over at the clock, and realize I'm in a hotel room. What? oh ya. stupid concussion. Chloe and Adrien are probably dating by now. Then I hear voices, drifting from right outside the door. I push myself out of bed, and see the door cracked open. It seems Alya and Adrien are arguing. What? Why?

I climb back into bed, and listen in. "How can I believe that you really did try to save Marinette? if no one was really there, then you could just make up the entire thing. And I don't think Marinette will remember it, with her concussion and all." Alya argues.

Adrien speaks next. "First, I wouldn't lie to you. Chloe? Maybe. You? Mari? No. Plus, I trust Mari to remember it. Could you at least hear me out?" Alya sighs. "You call Mari Marinette. You don't know her well enough to give her a nickname." ALYA!!! I like him! Shut up! I silently willed her to hear him out. "I might know her better than you think I do." He mutters.

"What was that? Adrien, do know something I don't about Mari?" Alya demands. "I think you know to. and Alya, I'll call her Mari, thank you very much." Adrien replies. he must be pissed. "Fine!" Alya yells. then she adjusts her volume and says "When Mari wakes up, I'll get you and we'll hear you out. But one flaw in your story, and you're out!" And she shuts the door on him.

Alya walks towards me, and I quickly pretend to be asleep so she won't think I heard it. I don't know why, but I feel like I shouldn't have been eavesdropping. I know you should never eavesdrop, but sometimes it feels more right than others.

Adrien's POV

Get shut out by your crush's best friend. that means I have no chance of getting her. I was so close to! Let's just hope they hear me out. I go back to my room and flop on my bed. Nino walks in and sees me laying there. "What's wrong bro? you look really unhappy. Get rejected by a girl?" I groan. I don't want Nino to see me like this.

"No......Can I just sleep?" I mumble. Nino shrugs and climbs into his bed. He turns on the TV and shuts up.

What day is it? I look at the clock. 12:00. Lunch time. Nino is gone. I check my phone. CRAP!!! Three days to win over Mari!! I jump up and look down. Clothes don't seem all to crumpled. I grab Plagg some cheese, and find him on one of Nino's pillows. "Common Plagg! We're gonna go get the girl of my dreams!" I yell, exited.

Alya's POV

Mari's finally awake. "Mari, Adrien wants to....speak with us." I say, distaste showing. Then I fill her in. She doesn't seem too surprised. I know she was eavesdropping. Awful actress. I don't tell her, though.

Just as I'm about to go get Adrien, there's a knock on the door. It's Adrien. "Mari! get dressed! Adrien's going to meet us in the lobby! Hurry!" I yell. "Meet us downstairs. We'll talk there." He nods and walks off. the reason I chose downstairs is because then, if we get mad, we can make a dramatic exit. (Am I the only one who does stuff like that?)

Mari comes dressed in a totally Marinette outfit. pink shorts, blue t-shirt, pink shoes. The whole deal.

 The whole deal

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