3- Take off

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Alya's POV

On Sunday I had to pack. I had gotten a lot of clothes, but only a suitcase's worth combined with my other clothes. (I know, that's a lot..) I'm guessing Mari's not going to try to pack until the morning of and then be late. I called her, while I finished packing all of my clothes. She picked up after a few rings. She was sitting at her desk, probably designing clothes. "Have you packed yet?" she looked surprised. "when are we leaving? " she asked. "TOMORROW!!!!! You need to pack!" She looks surprised again. "of course! Oh shoot, I have to pack. Ummmm....I'll call you when I'm done?" I just shake my head. "ok gurl, but you'd better hurry!" Then I hang up. What is up with that girl? Anyway, I go into the bathroom to pack my makeup and stuff, when I see my little sister, smearing some lipstick all over her face!! Oh god, this is gonna be a long night, she must have had too much sugar, or is just being herself.

Mari's POV

I forgot we were leaving tomorrow! I thought we'd had another day. I start cramming stuff into my suitcase, when my mom knocks on my trap door. I jump up and open it, to see Manon. "honey, I know you have to tomorrow, but something has come up and you're father and I won't be back for two hours, and we already promised to babysit her! we will pay you." oh great. Perfect timing. I guess it would be nice to have some money on the trip. "Oh sure, no problem!" My mom hugs me and walks off calling to my dad. Manon pushes past me and walked into my room. "where are you going Marinette? I'm gonna miss you." Awwwww..... she's so cute. "I'm going on a class field trip to New York for two weeks!" She pouts. "I wish I could go with you." I smile at her.

"Can I use you're dolls you sewed?" she asks. It will hopefully give me time to pack. "Sure! They're right here in this drawer." I get them out for her and she plays while I finish packing.

An hour of the way through, I hear an akuma attack. I quickly call Alya. She picks up and I explain my situation to her. She tells me to stay here until she gets here. I hope Adrien has it under control.

She finally gets here and I hug her and thank her like a hundred times, and rush out. I hear Alya talking to Manon telling her that I had to go help someone.

I meet Chat at the crime scene, and see him fighting the villain. He seems to be losing. Before he can get hurt, I jump in to help. I'm fighting with Adrien!! then, suddenly, a bunch of moths appear, forming the face of Hawkmoth. I only know this because this happened once before.

"Ladybug, Cat Noir. I have a deal to make. You choose which one. You can give me you're miraculouses or we can take a one- month truce. I will be very busy, so I can't create any akuma's, but you can't try to find me. one month. Deal?"

The idea shocks me. I don't know if I can trust him, but I will be away for to weeks, it will benefit the both of us. Chat seems to be pondering the idea to. After a while, we agree. We just pray he doesn't break his promise.

After we beat the villain, we go transform behind a dumpster, and walk out. I really want to stay and talk to the love of my life, but Manon. Ugh. I feel awful, but I say goodbye and run off.

Adrien's POV

My dad actually agreed to let me go! I pack my clothes, but I'm dancing the entire time. I hope no one sees me. I am so exited! I get to go to New York for two weeks!!!! TWO WEEKS!!!! I can't believe it. I call Nino to tell him, and he's equally excited.

It's Monday. The day we leave I wake up extra early, before my alarm goes of. I take a shower, brush my hair, double check my suitcase, and run downstairs. Breakfast is already ready, so I eat, pack some snacks in a backpack, and go upstairs to grab my suitcase. I brush my teeth and come back out to my bedroom. On my bed it a note. It sais:

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