2- Finding Out

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Mari's POV

I transformed into Ladybug and swung to the Effil tower to see Cat Noir. After a few minutes, he arrived. "I'm sorry, but I have another problem, and I need your help." he wiggled his eyebrows "my lady needs my help?" I huffed. "just this once. Anyway, did you're Kwami ever tell you what would happen if you told someone your identity?" he thought for a moment before responding "His name is Plagg. he never did tell me, did yours?" "her name is Tikki, but she never told me either. here, we'll both ask our Kwami's tonight, and text each other if they give an answer." "no, what if I have your phone number in real life, I would figure out who you are and then there would be no point." "Wow, you're being Sirius Chat! you are right. well,  how about we meet here, tomorrow after school, but if they're is an akuma then I guess then.  "I'll be glad to be there. I look forward to seeing you, my lady." he got awkwardly close to my face, then smirked and jumped away. he'll never change, will he? I sighed then hopped of towards home.

I got home and transformed. Tikki popped out of my earrings looking energetic for just being Ladybug. I guess it wasn't very long and I didn't do much. I hand her a cookie and sit on the edge of my bed. "Tikki, has one of you're holders ever told anyone who they are?" "well, a couple have, ya." I thought for a moment. "what happened to them? why can't we tell anyone." she smiled. "well, it doesn't affect you, it's just if it gets out you'll never be able to have a normal life. the reason I told you not to tell anyone is because I didn't want you through it everywhere. but I trust you. you can make the decision on who you trust." "well, I will most certainly tell mom and dad. I think I can trust Alya. Chat is a holder as well, so he deserves to know. what about Nino and Adrien?" she laughs lightly. "I would wait for Nino and Adrien, a bit." "you're right. time to tell mom and dad?" she nods encouragingly.

I slip down the stairs. my parents are on the couch watching TV. I walk around to their fronts and clear my throat. "Marinette dear! you're awake!" I begin to sweat. "Ya, I just got back from talking to Chat Noir." the nod then suddenly realize what I said. "what? You..... Chat....... Ladybug...... you didn't tell us you were going out!!" I smile uncertainly. "I want to tell you something.....I am.......I am Ladybug." I wait for them to respond. then my father chuckles and my mom starts to laugh. "Oh, you almost got us!" I sigh. "I'm being Sirius. I'm Ladybug." they look at me for a long time. "well, I can see the resemblance. you have the same......everything. well, at least transform so we can believe you." "Tikki! spots on!" I transform. they look quite shocked. "you never told us?" they look a bit hurt. "Tikki spots off. the reason I didn't tell you is because at first Tikki said I shouldn't, but now we decided to tell you. You're the first one, trust me." "WHAT IS THAT?!!!"  Sabrine yells and throws a book at her.

Tikki dodges and gives a brief explanation of who she is. They still look very shocked. "well then, I'm glad you decided to tell us. It's a.... lot to comprehend." I nod and hug and kiss them, before I run back upstairs, Tikki trailing behind.

Adrien's POV

I get home and transformed. "Plagg, we need to talk." he groans "first I need cheese. Lots of it." I roll my eyes but give him a fair amount of cheese. "I need to know, why can't I tell people I'm Cat Noir?" he sighs "you can tell anyone you want." "but.....you said earlier that I couldn't tell anyone" "ya and now you can. just try not to make it public." I am very confused, but I decide maybe my lady will tell me tomorrow. I pull up my covers and mumble good night to Plagg. I think I hear him say something along to the lines of "good night." I can't wait to talk to my lady tomorrow. Maybe I can talk to my crush tomorrow...... and I conked out.

Alya's POV

Before I go to bed, I check the school website. Then, for next week in big bold letters are the words "field trip, selected students. This year: Ms. Medeleiv's selected students." that's my class! What field trip? I'll have to ask her. But....next week. Oh wow. Maybe I'll be selected!!! Or Nino...... No!!!! I don't like him! Goodnight.

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