9- Security Cameras (Sucky title, I know)

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Adrien's POV

"What is happening here!?" Yells Miss. Bustier. "Uh...Chlo-" I start. "Chloe attacked Mari, so Mari punched her once in the face, once in the stomach. Then she kicked her down. She was just defending herself.

Miss. Bustier pondered it for a moment. "Chloe, would you please tell your side of the story." Chloe is now on her feet, crying. "Well, I-I figured out that M-Mari and Adrien were dating." She actually called me Adrien! "And then Mari started to tease me because I don't have a boyfriend, and she called me names, and I just got fed up with it.

She always picks on me. I got so tired of it, I yelled at her. Then she attacked me!! I'm sure everyone will back me up. Sabrina, Nathaniel, tell her it really happened that way. I'm sure everyone saw it like that. It's not fair!"

What the hell? that was entirely made up! Nathaniel puts in "Well, I definitely saw it that way. I couldn't hear everything that was being said, but it did seam that way. I say Marinette should be punished!"

Mari's POV

I hate Chloe! I need some way to prove it! Look around the room. Max isn't here. Ok. Smoke detectors, little security cameras, food....WAIT! SECURITY CAMERAS!! PERFECT! I look over at Adrien. He looks mad. I inch over to him while Miss. Bustier is busy telling Nathaniel she didn't ask for his opinion.

"Adrien!" I whisper yell.


"Security cameras!" He smacks himself in the head. "Duh" He whispers to himself. "Marinette, Your side of the story please?" I take a deep breath. "Well, I don't think we really need it, do we?" Chloe says "She's to dumb to even lie about her side of the story! Idiot! Of course we need your side of the story!"

"Well, I was thinking of a way to prove it, so I was looking around the room for something, and I saw the security cameras. Wouldn't they show you exactly what happened?"

"Great thinking Marinette! I'll see if I can get to see them! Alright. Everyone! Eat your breakfast, then meet me in the lounge. You have 20 minutes! Have a great breakfast! Marinette, Chloe, I'll have my eye on you. Stay out of trouble. See you soon."

I look at Alya, and she looks right into my soul. (I don't know why I put that, but I felt like it. It doesn't even make sense. it just sounds so cool.)

Pretend the last paragraph wasn't written. Right now I'm listening to the theme song on replay. It's actually pretty good!

Anyway, Alya and I share a look. We finish our breakfasts in silence, with Chloe and her group glaring at us the entire time.

In the lounge, Miss. Bustier lets us all sit down before she starts. "Yesterday we had an off-day. It's our seventh day here, so we have one more week. Today we will be splitting into groups. I don't care how many people are in each group, but at all times you have to have one person with you. I just want you to explore the city, know what everyday life is like here. I want you guys to be back at the hotel by 12:00 sharp. We'll be going out to lunch together."

Chloe's POV

Sabrina, Nathaniel, Max and me are a group. Then, Adrikins, Maritrash, Alya, Nino, Rose, and Juleka go together. The goody two shoes. I hate them! Why did Marinette have to go and steal my Adrikins! He was going to be MINE! ALL MINE!! I want to kill her right now. She did deserve to be crushed by those rocks!

I want to ruin her fun, her happiness, her love, relationship. I want to ruin her life! Nathaniel seemed pretty pissed they were dating to. We could together ruin it!

Nathaniel's POV

I like Marinette! She knew that! She just did it to make me jealous! And I am! It's ruining my entire trip! I want to do so much stuff, and instead I draw it. But I'm sick of just drawing it! I want to do it!

Mari's POV

It's a good thing Hawkmoth can't reach us here....and that we have a truce. I think Chloe and Nathaniel would be akumatized. I haven't transformed in so long, I'm afraid I'll forget how to do my job. Maybe Adrien and I could go for a quick run as LB and Chat.

I go over to Adrien's room, and knock on the door. Nino answers. "Hey Nino, I was wondering if I could talk to Adrien. Your awesome and everything but......"

"I know. I know. You two are dating. I'll get him." I wait until Adrien comes to the door.

"yes, m'lady? Nino said you wanted me."

"ya. I was just thinking that Ladybug and Cat Noir haven't done anything in so long, maybe we could go for a quick run. Just so that we don't have any problems when we get back. You know..... heh heh."

"oh. Uh ya, we could do that. Let me just tell Nino that I'm going."

I'm sorry this chapter is so short. Not even 900 words. I just wanted to get publishing. The acting camp was more intense then I thought it would be. I had more lines to memorize then I was expecting. I just logged on and realized I HAVE 100 VIEWS! AHHHHHHH!!! I know it doesn't sound like barely any, but I was expecting like not even 50.

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