6- Cheating

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Alya's POV

The next day, we go on a walk, far outside the city. We dress in our junkiest clothes, and sneakers. We have backpacks made up for us with water bottles, a sack lunch, a map, and a safety guidance packet. I pack my phone, so I can take pictures. I also grab my wallet and a bandanna, just in case. I wake up Mari, ten minutes before we leave. She freaks out. God, that girl will be the death of me!

We climb onto the bus, and Chloe and Sabrina complain the entire two hour drive. I'm ready to strangle her. I think Marinette was pissed to.

When we get off the bus, Mari and I are deep in conversation, about the whole Chloe deal from last night. A guide meets us there, and tells us about the place. Chloe looks really mad. "We won't get our clothes dirty, will we?" Chloe asks. The guide answeres "Well, you might. I would recommend not caring about your clothes for the day, however." Then he ushers us down the road.

"As you can see up there" the guide says, squinting and pointing up the cliff, "There are a lot of rocks. We want to be careful, because if they fell on you, you coud be very siriously injured, or even killed. Be careful around them. There are a couple of places along the trail like this, but this is the least dangerous.

In the past, one kid pushed some of the rocks onto another, and he had to be rushed to the hospital. Be careful. More information is in your safety packets. Now, this trail is very old, in fact......." Ooh, better stay away from those rocks!

I lean over to Mari and whisper, "Stay away from the rocks, I don't trust Chloe. She would, and could-" I get interrupted my Miss. Bustier. "ALYA! It is quite rude to talk over our guide! Please step away from Marinette! Sorry, sir."

We walk for another few minutes, when Mari raises her hand. "Miss. Bustier! I forgot my backpack on the bus. Could I by chance go back and get it?" Oh my god Mari.

"Miss, I have to get my phone, I forgot it on the bus to. I'll go with Mari" Adrien says. Wait! Adrien!! OH. MY. GOD.

"Well, I suppose you two can go together. Please hurry, we won't wait for long."

Mari's POV


We hurry along, and hear Chloe asking Miss. Bustier if she can go to the bathroom. It's really awkward, but Adrien starts talking. "Mari, on the tower building thing, we were talking. Well, I think I.. well, I told you I liked you." He's gonna say it was a dare. Nooooooooo!!!!

"Well," he continues. "I really do like you. A lot. I know we haven't known eachother for long, but I was, well....I was....I was wondering if you wanted to be my girl- MARI!! LOOK OUT!" He tackles me before I even realize what the hell is happening.

He rolls to one side, accidently letting go of me. I see huge rocks tumbling my way. I roll, but my arm gets stuck under a boulder. I cry out in pain and start to cry. I can't hear anything. Everything is black. I hear someone familiar calling my name. "RI! MARI!! CAN YOU HEAR ME? MARI!!" and sobs. "It's my fault." It's Adrien!

The pain! It's mostly in my left arm, but I feel bruised all over. My eyes slowly open. Adrien is leaning over me, with tears in his eyes. "SOMEONE! HELP! MARI IS STUCK UNDER A BOULDER! HELP!!"

"Adrien?" I whisper. "Marinette! You're ok! Well, sorta. Oh thank the gods!" I chuckle. "Is it ok if I run back and get help? Will you be ok? It will be just a moment."

I nod. He sprints off looking back. After a moment, Chloe emerges from somewhere to my left.

"Maritrash, I am so glad you forgot your backpack, it gave me this perfect opportunity to do this. You'll regret you ever messed with me."

She.turns on her heal and starts to walk away, but turns back. "don't tell anyone about this all or you'll be really sorry." then she walks off.

Chloe did that to me? I should have guessed. I just thought she was better then that.

I bawl my eyes out. It hurts really bad. The entire group returns and Miss. Bustier gasps. "Marinette! What happened to you?" She cries out.

Alya's POV

Oh my god! I'll bet Chloe did this to her. I need to get the rock of her arm

"Nino, Adrien, Juleka. Help me get the rock of Marinette. It will help her. Ok. Yes, Nino here. Alright, move over Adrien, I'm helping. Ok. Ready? One.....two.....Three...... Push!" I instruct.

After several tries, we get the boulder of Mari's arm. I run to her side. She moans. I motion for Juleka to come over.

"let's take her to the bus. She trusts  you to help me carry her. Common. Lift on three. One... Two... Three! We lift her up and slowly trudge towards the bus. Luckily, the bus is close. We lay her onto a seat.

Miss. Bustier calls a nearby doctors office to make sure we can take her in. We don't know how serious her injurys are, so we just rap it up. Mari sleeps while the bus drives to the office

Then I catch Chloe's eye. She smirks and glances qt Adrien. Yup. She did it. That's extreme, even for Chloe.

Adrien keeps trying to check on Mari, but I don't let him. To be honest, I'm mad at him. He could have pulled her away or something! To full of himself.

"Alya, let me see her! Why can't I? I was the one with her." Adrien glares at me.

"that's the point! You could have saved her! Pulled her away, something! We're lucky she didn't die!"

That bratty model.....

"Alya, just let me tell you what happened! We were the only two there, so I know. I really do. Please?"

I shake my head and push him away. Only one there......I doubt that. Plus, he could just lie about it. Hmph.

We get to the doctors office, and I wake up Mari. She looks like she's in pain. We had given her some pain relievers earlier, but it seems to hurt really bad. I help her up, and guide her into the office. A doctor comes in and I help Mari into his office.

"well, what happened here!" exclaims the doctor. "I don't really know." I tell him. He asks her what hurts and she tells him her arm and rib cage. Uh oh.

Adrien's POV

Why won't Alya trust me? I wouldn't lie! I stopped her from dying! She should be thanking me! After some time, the doctor, Alya, and Mari come out. They walk over to miss. Bustier.

I overhear them talking. "well, not to serious. Only a fractured wrist, some bruises, and a minor concussion, that will only be here today and tomorrow." (I don't think there is such thing as two day concussions.....)

"We're going to put her arm in a cast. Take it easy today and tomorrow. Just stay in bed. Don't think hard. Rest your left arm, and heal up! Alright. Mari, what color cast do you want?"

What have I done?

Chloe's POV

I think I went overboard there. Bring it back Chlo. She deserves it, but still. You can't do that. That's never ok.

Mari's POV
I walk out of the office a half hour later with a pink cast, fractured wrist, and concussion. If Adrien hadn't saved me, I'd be dead. Literally. Thank the gods he was with me.

I try to remember what happened, but I only remember up until it happened. Were walking down, and Adrien starts to ask me to be his girlfriend, and then...... "WAIT WHAT?!?!" I yell out loud.

Everyone looks at me and I blush. ADRIEN. ASKED. ME. OUT!!!!!! YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!"

By the time we get to the hotel I've calmed down. Took me about an hour.

Ok. That's a cut! 1373 words! I think it that's a good number. Sorry I'm so slow at publishing fast, my family shares a computer and its annoying to type on a phone. Summer break starts the day after tomorrow, so I'll be publishing more. Thanks for reading, I hope you like my story! Comment if u would. That would mean a lot to me.

I have 5 reads on the first chapter, and I know that its really sad and small, but someone actually read it, which means a lot to me. Bye!😝😜

MLB Trip to New YorkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon