A Trip to The In-laws

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Thanksgiving is here and that meant all of Derrick's siblings and their families had to come home because his mother wanted all her kids under the same roof for the whole weekend. Luckily for them Rick's parents stayed an hour away so they didn't have to go too far. Also as much as Mia loved her mother in love, it was his oldest sister Shelby that would be the problem. Shelby had beef with her ever since they were teens and it hadn't gotten any better the older they got.

The night before the trip Mia was packing her clothes when Rick walked in "Hey, you almost done?"

"Yeah, got a few more things to pack for myself. I got the girls squared away. Do you need me to pack your stuff too or do you have it?"

He shook his head "Nah, I got it. Going to do it right now. But, uh, don't forget to pack something sexy I won't mind taking off you."

Mia laughed "Un un, you know I don't like having sex in your mother's house!"

"Babe, you know she don't care, quit acting scared!"

"That is so disrespectful! I'm not having sex with you, sir."

"That's what you say now...watch" then he winked at her and disappeared into his closet. Mia just stood at her suitcase laughing and continued her packing. Once they were finished, they went to bed.

The next morning, the happy little family piled into their truck and were off to grandma's house. On the ride up, Rick and Mia did some family planning. "So babe, are we gonna try for a son or are we done?" she asked.

"Now you know I want a son, I've just been waiting on you to say you are ready."

"I hear you, I don't want to wait too much longer cuz Drea is almost 3. Guess we do need to start working on that soon."

"Yes we do, and we can start this weekend!" he laughed.

Mia cut her eyes "I told you I'm not doing that."

"I heard what you said, but your body turns on you every time so I'm not worried about what you 'say' you're not gone do. I'm going to hit that."

She blushed "Whatever. But if I give you a son, that will be your gift for the next three years hell. And you better be nice to me while I'm carrying your seed this time."

"If you carry my son of course I'm going to be nice to you..."

She interrupted "So you were mean to me because I was carrying girls? That's fucked up!"

"Nah, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, you giving me a son, my heir will be a huge blessing to me. I love my girls, you know that, but a son, man. Its' been a long time coming, man. I will get you something that you have always wanted."

"Whatever, I guess I need to get prepared to be knocked up. I'll make a doctor's appointment sometime soon" she said out loud.

"Yep, bout to put my seed all up in there, so stop taking your birth control" he said while rubbing her stomach.

"Stop fool" she said while swatting his hand laughing.

They continued talking and fooling around until they arrived at his parents' house. As soon as they pulled up, his mom met them at the door, "There's my babies!" They exchanged hugs and walked in. His father, Darren greeted them and told them to make themselves comfortable. Mia and Derrick settled on the coach, while their daughters went to the family room to watch tv. Lisa asked them about their drive.

"It was good" they said in unison and started giggling.

"I'm glad yall made it safely. Your brothers won't be here til tomorrow morning, but Shelby is on her way. I don't remember how long its gonna take her flight to get here though. Why didn't Shaunie ride up with y'all?" Lisa asked.

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