Chapter 3

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Thanks everyone who reads my story! I love you ALL! seriously I freakin LOVE you!!!!


When I was with Konan and Kisame, I started to cry, when I realized my dream... it was true. I had killed my own family. Just as Itachi did, cold heartedly.

"Oh my gosh." I squeaked.

"What is it?" Konan asked me.

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about my massacre that I had accidentally done.

"We're here and we'll start our training." Kisame stated sternly.

I nodded,"What do you want me to show you?" I looked at them and raised my eyebrows.

"Anything you want." Konan smiled, interested in what I had to show them.

"Ok!" I skipped off and looked out towards the forest. I did hand signs, "Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance!" Parts of crystal surrounded me and I got their shapes into shuriken, and they rained all over the tall, green trees, which were now all about to be short little stumps.  THUD! All of the trees were now on the forest floor into little, splinters of wood.

"How was that?" I asked grinning at them hoping they would approve.

"That was the Crystal release. I've only ever seen that once or twice." Kisame said wide eyed, looking at me." You've got potential kid." and he nodded his head.

"I've got other releases too!" I clapped, seeing that they were impressed with my abilities. " Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals!" In seconds there were about twenty one mirrors and all had a reflection of me in it. Kisame and Konan were in the middle, both looking around not knowing which mirror held the real me.

"Try and find me!" my reflections teased. I danced around from mirror to mirror just having fun with it and being able to trick grown ups made me happy. " Come on! Find the real me!" I smiled, still leaping from each mirror.

Kisame took the first shot. He definitely had the upper hand with being able to sense chakra. But I was still to fast for him. "Damn you're fast kid." he shook his head

"Yeah I know!" I giggled, very pleased with myself.

He kept hitting mirrow after mirror, and eventually I had hopped out of it and was exausted, and most of my chakra had drained my energy.

"Are we almost done?" I huffed, and put my hands on my knees.

"Hmmmm I guess, we'll test your hand to hand combat tomorrow morning." Konan replied to me.

"Oh, good, all of my chakra is gone. I don't think I could move anymore." I panted standing up.

"Ok, let's start heading back." Konan suggested.

We started to walk and questions were running through my mind. Why did these people want to do this? Did they like to kill? The satisfaction of watching someone die?

So I asked Konan because I wanted to know more about her. "Why did you join the Akatsuki?"

She looked at me, "Well I didn't have a family, because I was an orphan. And now since I'm here, I feel like I have people I can depend on." she said to me smiling.

"Do you like to... kill?" I asked hesitantly.

"It depends on the person really.If I don't like them, it feels great." she paused, " but if it's an innocent person, then I feel a little bit guilty, except it goes away after a while."

"Will I ever be an actual Akatsuki member?" I looked at her, wanting to know an answer.

"You definitely have the skills, and at your young age, it could be a possibility." she was nodding her head, agreeing with herself.

"YAYAYAY!!!" I jumped up and clapped. I wanted to be apart of them, and just like Konan, I didn't have a family. Just being able to have people there for you, its relieving.

"So tell me a little more about yourself. You're an interesting kid." Konan glanced at me.

"Oh... ok. So you know my name. I don't really have a Clan, the ones that I lived with, and my home clan, both died. I haven't really told anyone my clan., but I'm from the Miyuzo Clan." I was looking at the ground.

"Did you say the Miyuzo Clan? I thought that place was a myth." Kisame asked getting curious.

"Yeah, I was really little so I don't remember much of it, but I remember my friends and family, except not very clearly." I whispered the last part, not wanting to talk about my past. It always made me feel lonely, because I think of how I don't have anyone.


( 7 1/2 years later)

I had now become a known assasian of the Akatsuki, called the "Blade Slasher" because of my strength and being able to slice through anything and everything. I wore a mask over my mouth and I wore my ring on my left middle finger. I had let my hair grow out and it was now long again. That was about to be a grave mistake on my part.

I heard one day walking around that a new guy had come to the bar, looking very strange and mysterious. I went up to two men talking to each other about this guy. "Do you know his name?" I asked them both. 

I was about to hear something that would change my life. "All we know is his last name. I think it's Uchiha."

That was the last name I did not want to hear. "Uchiha.?" I whispered. I went weak, my knees gave out and I had fallen to the ground. "No."


sorry the last part was short, just a little teaser of whats to come next! hope you guys liked it and sorry for the late update!! Love ya!! thanks for reading!!!!




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