Chapter 21

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I couldn't wait to write it so here ya go!!!


A growl ripped its way out of my throat, as I stepped closer to the Jinchuuriki host who didn't flinch. "I will get my power back!" Harumi yelled through me. Already a purple chakra filled tail sprouted its way from my body. "I'm going to rip you to shreads Shukaku!"

In this form that I had, I had some advantages. I heard her chuckle, "Shukaku, you can't beat me. I will kill you one way or another." How could she be so calm at a time like this? Oh wait just kidding... she's kind of a pysco maniac in this state of mind.

"Eiko!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Turning around I saw Kiba running in my direction, along with a couple of jonin, including Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai.

Harumi knew that the silver haired jonin that last put a stop to her last rampage could do it again. But now that she knew, she wouldn't let it happen again. "Take another step." she told the group sweetly, "and see what happens." she growled menicingly.

"Kakashi, what do we do?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto, don't be stupid. You're not going to help." Kakashi mummbled under his mask.

"Hey, I'm not stupid!" he retorted. "And yes I am to going to help." he replied stubbornly.

***Narutos' POV

Being in the same area with two Tailed beasts definently woke Kurama up. "What do we have here? Our master?" my beast asked surprised. "and Shukaku? What a handful, it sounds like fun to be in." he smirked."Why don't we join in Naruto?"

I shook my head. "No!" I scolded him. "Bad!"

He scoffed, "Naruto, I'm not a damn dog."

"I know but I like seeing how mad you get when I do." I chuckled. "Anyways, we aren't getting in on this! No more trouble for everyone else."

"Are you sure? Because it sounds like a lot of fun out there." Kurama tried to persuade me.

"No." I blocked him out as much as I possibly could. I didn't want Kakashi and the rest of them to have to deal with three jinchuuriki, well that was if Gaara and I tranformed as well. But I wouldn't let that happen. I don't want to give them anymore trouble then they already have in their hands.

I ran up to Eiko. "EIKO! YOU HAVE TO STOP!" I shouted to her glowing purple body with chakra radiating out.

She didn't listen to me and kept her eyes locked onto Gaara.

"Kakashi! You need to stop her!" I yelled over the growl that was rippling out of her throat aimed at Gaara, who stay there with an emotionless expression plastered across his face. She lunged at him, Gaaras' sand protecting him from the vicious claws that threatened to rip his throat out. The sand was barely strong enough and a claw pierced through.

Gaara jumped back back as Kakashi was trying his best to place the tag on her forehead, but Eiko was still too fast for the Joinin. 

After about five minutes later a building was in pieces on the ground, and Eiko was laying on the ground with the tag on her forehead breathing heavily. But something happened and one second Eiko was there and the next she was gone. Then I saw the silver haired Jonins' body laid out on the ground, a bloody mess.

**Eikos' POV

I didn't know what had happened. But when I woke I was staring into chestnut brown eyes. He sensed I awoke but didn't look down. "What's the matter with you?" he spoke.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "But Shukaku was in the village, and he made Harumi mad, so she didn't take that too well."

"Harumi?" he tilted his head to the side. "isn't she the ten Tailed Demon?"

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