Chapter 4

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Hey  everyone! sorry i havent uploaded in a couple days! here it is hope you like!!


I ran to find Konan. Her an I have gotten pretty close, well seeing that we have a a lot in common with each other. Anyways, I threw open her door, "KONAN!!" I yelled. ... No answer. "Shit." I muttered to myself. Panicing, I sprinted to Kisames room, and burst in. There he was standing next to Kisames

"Eiko?" he grinned, " I'd notice those eyes and that hair anywhere. Boy have you grown up, and my, my, my have you gotten beautiful." he kept smiliing and began to walk towards me.

"Stay away from me." I growled backing up.

"What's wrong?" Itachi asked me inching closer.

"You killed our family!" I burst out. I did hand signs. "Crystal Shuriken!" My sharp crystals shot towards him. He easily dodged them.

"Do you really think you can hurt me?" his eyebrows raised and he was in front of me, in my face. Then he grabbed me so that my feet weren't touching the floor anymore. I kicked and punched but whenever I landed a blow Itachi just got angrier.

"Let me go you bastard!" I yelled, squirming.

Just as he was about to throw me across the room, Kisame walked in. "Put her down." he was glaring at Itatchi. "And yes, she can hurt you." Reminding him just how strong I actually was.

He dropped me. "I know what you did, back at the village. With the scroll." I told him while i was still sitting on the floor.

"I bet you don't even know what that was for." Itatchi replied calmly.

"No, you right I don't." I agreed, "but why don't you tell me."

"Not a chance." he said slowly smirking.

"Dissapointing, I'd like to know." I pouted and pretended to be sad. "Why are you here anyway?" I changed the subject.

"Why do you think?" he asked.

"I don't know that's why I asked you." I said snotily, and rolled my eyes. I walked out of the room, discusted that this asshole was here. He better not do anything to screw this village up like he did my last.

Even though the Uchiha Clan wasn't related to me, they were like my family. I remember Sasuke finding me just wandering around. (and yes I did fall from the sky, but everyone in my clan learns a jutsu that lets us land softly on our feet from any height) He had brought me to his mom and dad, and they gave me a place to stay, cared for me. They gave me a home.

I loved them all, even Itachi at one point. Now all of my love for him is gone. I hate him with a burning passion, I'm sure if Sakuke is alive he would want him dead as well. I hope that he is alive, because if he is I am going to help him ki- my thoughts were inturrupted by Konan.

"Eiko, are you ok?" Konan asked worriedly.

"No." I relpied flatly.

"What happened? You don't have to talk about if you don't want to." She assured me.

"And I don't." Painful memories came back all of a sudden. "I want him dead!" and with that I ran out of the base.


I found myself wanting to go back to my home. I debated on it for a while, then realized that I would be greeted with the bodies of my loved ones. I shook my head trying to get the bloody images out of my head, but that made it worse. No Eiko you don't want to see all of this it happened twice and you don't want to relive this again. But that's all I saw. Blood, and body parts sprayed all over the once clean village.

I wish there was someone here with me, I need someone to be with, and the first person that came to mind was Sasuke because he knows exactly what I've been through.


Itachi's P.O.V

I sat on the bed in the small room. Sure she didn't know what the scroll was from, but she saw me. She saw me. Eiko was suppose to be dead. But it's ok, she won't be for much longer.

This little girl must be damn strong if she's stronger than me. It just means that I have to train twice as hard and twice as much. Either way Eiko is going to die.


Thanks for reading guys and gals! I love that you keep reading my story!!! I might upload again tonight or tomorrow, cause it's just a tad of a cliff hanger, tell me if you want me to upload tonight! thanks guys, and sorry if its kind of a short chapter that's another reason why I was gonna upload tonight, tell me if you do i would appreciate it!




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