Chapter 32

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This is going to be a, short chapter, sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm on my phone, but I wanted to give you guys an upload:) enjoy!


Eww. This guy is creepy as Fuck.. I glanced next to him and noticed a boy. He looked oddly familiar, I knew him from somewhere.. But wher- "Sasuke?" I gasped, a bit of blood dribbled from my chin.

All he did was glare with his stone cold, eyes of coal. "You know of him?" The snake man hissed, his pink tongue occasionally flicking out if his wide mouth that kept the grin of the Cheshire cat.

"Of course I do. Sasuke Uchiha. Long time no see." I smiled at him, a sarcastic smile.

He did the same as before. Just standing there, staring at me with a blank expression. Like a piece of paper with nothing written on it. "No hello?" I asked.

"Nope." was his brief reply.

I sighed, "Alright, fair enough. I still hate you too." he growled at that. "and I get a response from the Uchiha! know your brother talks more then you." I knew that would bring something out, and soon enough my small frame was pinned against a rocky wall, penetrating my back. His large hands around my throat just threatening to squeeze even tighter as I winced in pain.

"Let go of the girl Uchiha." the snake man hissed at him, he didn't obey and his fingers were still locked on my throat. I grabbed his hand and tired to make him let go. I did not need to. Orochimaru was by his side in a second. "I'm not going to say it again, boy."

His grip almost tightened at the last second then he dropped my body, landing with a small thump on the cold hard floor, wincing at the pain.

I got up slowly and sighed. "Still hard to understand that your brother is still stronger then you huh? You still don't have enough hatred." I knew what buttons to press, and that was exactly the wrong one, but I loved messing with him, he knew that so he let out a low growl before narrowing his eyes and stepping back, knowing snakey wasn't going to let him hurt me.

"what to do with you?" Orochimaru piped up. A malicious grin appeared upon his face before something was shot into my thigh and my whole work went black.


sorry for the short chapter... And guys thanks so much for voting. *incredible sarcasm used right there* I've gotten one vote. And the other stories have so many more I'm almost Embarrassed to have put this story in the NarutoWattyAwards. I thought that I had dedicated fans for this story, and I obviously have readers, because I have over 16,000 reads. (which I'm happy for) but I get no comments whatsoever and it makes me really sad because in write for you all. The least you could do is a Simple "great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!" It just makes my day and makes me so much happier to know that you took time to read my story and comment, maybe vote. I mean I take time out of my day to write.... Anyways you probably didn't even read this authors note so I'm waisting my time. Anyways hope you liked it. Love ya. Xx




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