06 ▷ oh baby, baby

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Esther Ruth ▷

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Esther Ruth

Courtney sat with me during my first ultrasound. I was only predicted to be nearly ten weeks, so we weren't finding out gender at all. And despite what people said about their first ultrasound and their happiness, I wasn't. I was completely and utterly nervous.

"Esther, you have calm down." Courtney soothed, gently rubbing my arm as we awaited the doctor.

I sighed, "I can't. I'm too nervous, Court."

"Anyway," Courtney smiled, "I'm putting my money on twins. Since, ya know."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Courtney, I doubt it's twins. I couldn't handle twins, not without help."

Her smile fell slightly as she pouted at me, then her face went emotionless. She was thinking; that was her thinking face. Suddenly, she began to grin.

"I'd have to talk to Luke, but maybe you could move in." She offered.

"No." I shook my head, "I love you guys, but no. You also have a baby on the way. I'm not intruding. We can't have two newborns in the same house, let alone possibly three."

She laughed, "I thought you said that you weren't having twins."

I pouted, turning to Courtney and huffing slightly. Similar to the way a child would to his mother. She giggled, and playfully shook her head. Then I turned serious.

"Honestly though, I couldn't handle two. Not without Cameron, and he's gone."

Both Courtney and I stared at the screen, astonished

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Both Courtney and I stared at the screen, astonished. My doctor smiled and she laughed.

She pointed to the two small peanut looking objects. "Those are definitely twins."

"I called it!" Courtney giggled.

The doctor smiled, "Well, we know they're not identical, so they won't be the same sex, most likely. They're fraternal, see? They're in different sacs."

"Wow." I murmured.

Seeing my unborn children on the screen had melted away the nervousness that had earlier. These were my two babies, and I couldn't have been more excited than now. I still trying to wrap the fact around my brain that God had blessed me with two.

"Are you a twin, yourself?" Anna, my doctor, asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. My brother and I."

"The maternal side carries the increased chance of twins or any kind of multiples. Congrats." She explained.

Courtney sat of the side, squealing and giggling to herself. I watched as she did a little happy dance.

"I really hope one of those are a girl." Courtney stated, "I would like to spoil a princess."

Anna laughed, "I guess aunt Courtney is really excited."

Courtney just nodded, "Yeah. I'm having my third boy with my husband. No girls in our little tribe."

Anna smiled at Courtney, then looked back to the screen and studied it. It was silent as she did so, but was only quiet for a few minutes.

"Babies seem perfectly healthy. And since it's your first visit, would you like some pictures to take home?" Anna asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

That night; I did a little something different and I had a little plan

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That night; I did a little something different and I had a little plan.

I had Courtney drop me off at my own home, and began making dinner for my family. I invited my few siblings who live close and my parents. This also included announcing my pregnancy to my family; which I hope were supportive. Not to mention, let them know of mine and Cameron's divorce.

I sighed, enjoying the quiet I did have while putting the lasagna into the oven, a family favorite. I sat down at the dinning table, and began going through the papers from Cameron. All of the legal papers for our divorce; which was killing me to sign.

While reading over the legal papers that stated that Cameron was leaving everything to me, I reached over and the grabbed the pen. Sadly, I signed it, despite my mind and heart telling me not too. I signed it, saying that I agreed to everything.

I stood up, hearing someone at the door. I shook my head, setting the papers down and heading towards the front of the house. I opened the front door, being greeted by my parents, Joel and Moriah.

"Hey," I smiled, stepping to the side of my door. "Come in."

Moriah smiled warmly at me as she entered my home, Joel following her. Mum grinned at me, as she held out a pie, and it was my favourite, chocolate pie.

"Hope you don't mind, darling. I made your favourite." She stated.

I nodded, "Thanks, mum."

As dad stepped into the house, I shut the door behind him and followed them to my kitchen. Mum had set the covered pie onto the counter, and I quickly went over to my table with the papers.

Dad looked to me, and raised an eyebrow. "What are those, dear?"

I clutched the papers to my chest as I looked up to him, my eyes wide.

"Oh, um," I stuttered, "That is something I'll tell y'all tonight. Along with something else."

I swallowed and forced a smile at my parents. Joel glanced over at me and gave a sympathetic expression. And suddenly, I was wasn't sure about the confidence I had to tell them.

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