10. Prefecting

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Chapter 10.


September 6th

"Really? Prefect schedules already?" I groaned as Sophie eagerly ripped hers open at the sight.

"Oh god, what if we're not together? What if I'm paired with a... a Gryffindor?" She exclaimed, shock smearing her face as she continued.

"I mean, could be worse." I raised my eyebrows, although I knew just how much Sophie disliked the Gryffindor house.

Earlier on, our owls, cats and even frogs were to collect our prefect schedules and deliver them to us. Sophie's had just arrived, and she was determined to know quickly.

A couple of others in our dorm were jumping excitedly, obviously been paired with their friends. Others were slumped back in their bed, frowns stretching across their glum faces.

I sighed quietly, eyes attached to the large door of the dorm.

"I'm gonna go check down stairs," I informed Sophie, earning a nod in response as she scanned her paper.

I stood up slowly, robe flowing elegantly behind me as I strut down stairs to the door. As I got down, I quickly noted Malfoy and his friend sniggering at something in the paper. I brushed it to the back of mind, they were probably just comparing who they got set with.

I refocused my eyes to the elaborate design of the entrance to the dungeon. Slowly, it opened and Saskia padded in, her soft paws tapping lightly on the wooden floor.

I perked my ears up, a smile darting onto my lips as I went to lift her up. A sealed envelope was placed in her mouth, with my name on it. I picked her up, letting her cuddle into my chest as I jumped back up the stairs. Just before I left their sight, I looked over at Malfoys group again. He was staring directly at me, a knowing look glowing on him as his eyes darted to the envelope in Saskias mouth.

I ignored it, and proceeded to make my way to Sophie upstairs.

"Have you opened it yet? We're not together. It's good though, I'm with Phil." Sophie smiled, we were hoping that the group would somehow be linked together in prefecting.

"Lucky, I've probably got Hermoine or something." I groan picking at the paper as I tore it open.

(A/n :
I swear I'm not hating on hermoine, she's personally one of my favourite characters. This is just a different person with different views and opinions :))

"Well? Who is it!" Sophie asked eagerly awaiting my response.

"It's... I'm with... Malfoy," I spoke unsurely, re-reading the paper over and over.

"You are?" Sophie asked, her eyebrows creasing as confusion spread across her face.

"I am, tonight, 7 to 10." I spoke, pushing my glasses further up my nose.

"I mean, he's not that bad. Maybe he's nice when you get to know him." Sophie encouraged.

"Yeah, maybe," I said, although I already knew that Draco Malfoy was a very different person to what everyone thought he was.

"Aren't you gonna put your badge on?" Sophie quizzed amusingly, quickly catching me out of my thoughts that lingered on Malfoy.

"Oh... right, yeah." I mumbled gently pulling out my badge.

Earlier, we had all been informed of the list of the prefects, so we knew who was all prefecting this year. We needed to know so we could escort the first years obviously, which I forgot to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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