Chapter II: West Continent

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Lucy's POV

A day after our travel away from Ishgar. While traveling, Lukas told me a lot about the West Continent. I found out that one of the 12 Spriggan was replaced by him. I didn't know he was that powerful to be one of the Emperor's 12 powerful soldiers.

He even showed me pictures of the 12. Turns out, it was Zeref who is the Emperor of Alvarez Empire and this place what keeps his curse stable.

"Hello, you must be Lukas's twin little sister?" Zeref said, as we went down of the ship, probably his own way of greeting me.

"Yes, your highness." I bowed to him, can't be disrespectful now, there's soldiers.

"Please raise up, no need for formalities. Just call me Zeref, Ms. Lucy." He said, smiling at me, like he was an innocent baby. He probably is. Who knows?

I looked up to him and smiled,"And no need to call me Ms. Lucy, Zeref. Lucy is fine." He nodded, still smiling

"So, you're his little sister that he's been talking about." Brandish said. I knew their names and faces since Lukas showed me pictures.

"Yeah, you could really tell that they're twins because they look exactly the same." Dimaria said, looking at Lukas, then to me and back and forth, then finally said,“Lukas looked older because she stopped aging for seven years,”

"How was Ishgar, Lucy?" God Serena asked, coming up to me while doing weird poses.

"Fine, just fine." I responded, still weirded out by his poses. He reminds me of Ichiya.

"Well, She kind of remind me of Mother." Larcade said, still staring at me.

"Quit staring at her, boy." August said, smacking Larcade's head with his staff.

"Yeah, Yeah." He responded, boredly, shrugging off the hit just now.

"Behave, Larcade. We have to be nice to our guest." Eileen said, smiling at me with acknowledgement.

"It's fine!" I smiled at the two elder which they return back.

"Well, let's go to the palace." Invel said, gesturing us to go inside the carriage. They all let me in first, Lukas sitting beside me and Brandish on his side. Zeref is in front of me.

After the ride, It was great! I got to be close to them. They're all actually real nice.

Right now, It was only me and Brandish at the living room, as the others fixed the room I'm going to stay in.

"Hey, I heard about what happen to you..." Brandish said, lowly.

"It's fine! Nothing to worry about!" I assured her,“I've accepted it anyway,”

"But from now on, I'm going to treat you as my sister." She declared, with a blush on her face while looking away.

I just smiled at her declaration,"Okay!"

"Yay!" She suddenly jumped onto me and hugged me. That's a weird character development, and it's fast.

"Lucy, would you like to see your room?" Eileen smiled, as she entered the room.

I smiled back, and nodded happily. Eileen went over, and look my hand, guiding me to my room gently, with a motherly aura surrounding her.

"You know, this is the first time she has that aura," Brandish whispered from behind, making sure that Eileen won't hear it.

When we arrived at my new room, I was stunned by it, It was like my old room at Ishgar. Back at Magnolia.

There was a large picture frame of the whole guild, at the dresser, there was a picture of me and Team Natsu. And there was a picture of me and Lukas when we're still a kid, laughing at each other. When everything was still better.

"Wow... Who's idea is this?" I said, in awe because the room was made with sincerity.

And everyone pointed at Lukas, who was grinning like an idiot. I just hugged him,"Thanks, Bro." He hugged back.

"No prob, anything for you, Luce." He rub my back. I got used to him, calling me the same nickname Natsu used to call me.

We pulled away,"So..? Wanna have a tour around the Empire?" Ajeel asked.

"Yeah! We'll show you the famous places here!" Brandish beamed.

"Okay! Let's go!" I responded, which make Brandish cheered.

After the tour, brought to you by! Koro-sensei reading "adult" magazine!

That was fun! We came back at the castle it was already night. And Lukas scolded us for going back so late. Lukas is scary when he was scolding. Who is he? Dad?

I feel like my chest is hurting, by I shrugged it off, and eat dinner with everyone normally.

Sometimes, Zeref acts like Natsu when it comes to friendly fight. We're laughing at him, while he picks up a fight with Invel.

Turns out, Zeref had Fire Magic before he got Black Magic. And Invel is an Ice Mage. Explains a lot. They're like Natsu and Gray, except Invel don't have stripping habits.

But in public they don't fight. Talk about being professional. I smiled as they were having conversation. But I felt a pain killing feeling in my heart.

"Argh!" I shouted, as I hold on to my chest. Not again..!

Lukas and Brandish suddenly stood up and went to my side.

"Are you okay?!" Brandish panicked, but I can't answer because of the pain I was feeling. Soon, the others stood up as well.

"Ah!" I shouted, as I almost collapsed with the chair. Good thing, Lukas was there.

"Lucy! What's wrong!" Eileen said, taking me away from Lukas. I looked at her in the eye, she was genuinely concerned for me, but I looked away because of the pain,“Lucy! Stay with us!”

"We have to bring her to her room." Zeref said, but you could feel his also panicked.

"Right!" Lukas said, as he scooped me up, and carry me all the way to my room. I looked from behind and saw that everyone was following. Ajeel and Wahl went to get a doctor.

At her room

Lukas's POV

Lucy is still shouting in pain, the doctors are doing their best. I'm on her right side, while I'm on her right side, while Brandish on her left side. She's been crying, when the doctors came here.

An hour later, the doctors was finally finished, and Lucy was unconscious, thanks to Eileen. She looks so shaken up from what happened.

"How is she? Is she okay?!" I asked them.

"I'm sorry but *****" A/N: Hehe, Can't be revealed now.

We all fell silence when we heard that. Brandish, Dimaria and Ajeel were crying. Invel, Neinheart, Walh, and Jacob were both shock and panicked. Eileen, August, Larcade and His Majesty were on shock.

And me? I was beyond shock. No... It can't be..

I seat on the edge of her bed and cry there. She can't be... No... Not again.

Don't leave me the same way Mom did. Please Lucy..


Lukas was revealed as Lucy's brother! But what did the doctors said?

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