Chapter X: 전하지못한진심 (The Truth Untold)

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A/N: I gotta be honest. The title is BTS infired.

하니! (Hana!) (One!)

둘!  (Dul!) (Two!)

셋! (Set!) (Three!)

이야기를 즐기십시오! (Enjoy the story!)

“What do you mean she's dying?!” They all looked at Natsu, who was flaring in anger,“WHY DIDN'T YOU BOTHER TO TELL ANYTHING?!”

“YOU WANNA KNOW?!” Gajeel shouted,“YOU BLOODY WANNA KNOW?! Listen! Ivan—”

“Just stop fighting okay!” They all looked at Mirajane who cut them off,“Lucy is dying! And you guys do is bicker?! Can't we just all help each other to get her better!?”

“Mirajane is right,” Bisca said,“We need people to help Master at the council to bail Lukas out,”

“We'll do it,” They looked at the red head in confusion,“We, Team Natsu, was the one who gave the council false information. It should be us who's fixing this,”

Gray and Natsu looked at each other then nodded,“She's right,”

Brandish eyes narrowed and sent powerful blast of magic at the three, they looked at her in shock as Dimaria comfort her.

“Pardon Randi,” Dimaria said then glared at them,“You must understand how important Lucy is to us, Twelve, even to the Emperor,”

“After all, Zeref also helped on taking care of her,” Brandish and Dimaria's eyes widen at the sight of the new person.

“Leo,” The two gasped.

“What are you doing here, Loke?” Juvia asked,“I thought you were in contact with Lukas-san now,”

The Team Natsu dash out of the guild, but they couldn't help but to feel even more guilty.

“Lukas made me stay here before getting caught,” He sighed as his eyes followed the previous team of his master,“I didn't expect them to do this,”

“Gajeel, can you put Lucy in the infirmary?” Mira lowly said.

Meanwhile, with Team Natsu minus Happy and Lucy.

“Shit! We gotta catch up to them!” Gray shouted,“Hurry, Erza!”

“I'm trying!” Erza shouted back, as she put the magic mobile into full speed trying to reach the Era as soon as possible.

“Holy shit! Don't worry Lukas! We are going to bring you back to Luce in no time!”

In the council, Lukas was being dragged to the conference room, where he will interrogated.

“Lukas, that's your name, am I right?” One of them asked.

But Lukas kept quiet, he was worried to his younger sister. Her time is running out.

How about I just knocked them all out until she's better? Or maybe just go back to the Empire with Lucy? Ugh.. But Grandpa and Laxus is here. Goddamn it. Lucy be okay.

“You are arrested for the suspicion of being allied to the black mage Zeref,” The head continues, and rambled so on and so forth,“—Why in the world would you be with that kind of man,”

“That kind of man?” He raised his eye brow, and on cue, The Thunder Legion and Makarov came, but they kept quiet,“You had no idea what kind of man His Majesty is,”

“So you are allied with Zeref,”

“He maybe evil in your eyes. But to me, he's a brother-figure to me,” He glared to all of them with hatred,“You people had no idea how much he had suffered!”

“He killed man—”

“He had no control! If you were cursed to kill all of them because you love life so much, what would you do?!” He shouted,“You had no idea what he went through! SO STOP JUDGING HIS MAJESTY BEFORE I KILL YOU ALL!”

On cue, Team Natsu came. They were about to speak and the chairman speak once more.

“I have no choice but to arrest Fairy Tail then,” Lukas's eyes widen, images flashing through his mind. He looked down.

“...” He was muttering inaudible words. His bangs shadowing his eyes.

“What is it?” People of Lukas's side were scared, the man was changing his aura.

“I said,” Large pulse of magic waved through, as he looked up to them with killer eyes,“Try hurting Fairy Tail and my little sister, you have to kill me first,”

“W-what?” They all slowly stood up in fear.

“I am the Celestial God of the Alvarez Empire, why should I fear you humans. Kowtow before me,”

In Fairy Tail, everyone was panicking on the look out for Porlyusica and the exceed to come and heal their comrade.

“Warren! Do you see them yet!” Cana shouted as she run outside the guild.

“No!” He continued to look out as he answered.

“Damn it! Wrong time for Jet to go for a job!” Cana cussed, as she ran back inside,“Is she okay?”

“I don't know,” Wendy was worried,“She isn't getting any better with Meredy-san and Zeref-san's sensory link,”

“Wendy...” They looked and saw Lucy,“”

“Lucy-san..” Wendy starts crying as she kneeled in front of Lucy,“Gomene... I couldn't do anything..!”

“We..ndy.. Please.. Tell O..nii-...chan..” Tears starts flowing down,“ He do..esn't.. have to.. worry.. about m..e. I *breathes* wi..ll see Mama..and agai..n..”

“Lucy. No,” Mira starts crying too, people in the back are already crying in despair,“You can't leave us..”

“No please don't!” Lisanna cried,“You can't leave.. He.. Oh god please no.. Just wait a little more. Natsu..! He has something to tell you!”

“ of Natsu Tell him.. I.. Love.. Him..” Slowly.. Her eyes starts to close, both sensory link got broken, everyone was crying. Begging for her to open her eyes. But she's gone...

Lucky Lucy Heartfilia is dead.

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