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Mira POV

Today we're going, ugh, dress shopping. And Seventeen and Exo decided to come along to annoy me. Got7 came with Yugyeom.

So now here I am, in the dress shop $uho bought especially for me, for the past four hours doing nothing but trying on dress after dress.

We just can't seem to find the right one. Too tight or too loose. They don't suit me or they didn't pass mom's check. I'm seriously done with this.

But that's starting to matter even less now.

Because I'm still freaking out.

I'm scared about so many things right now, it's not even funny.

That I might actually go through with marrying Yugyeom.

That Jungkook's words might have affected me greatly.

That I know I still love him.

But I still can't choose.

And it hurts because I know who I want to choose.

And I'd choose him in heart beat if I still didn't have my self control.

So here I am. Weak. Scared. Tired.

"Yah! Mira you're being stupid! Why can't you just look good in everything like I do?" A shrill voice exclaims.

Yup, Hanbi and Eunhye are my maids of honour. Seungkwan requested that Hanbi should be part of this 'grand celebration'.

"But this is like, the hundredth dress I've tried today!" I whine.

Hanbi sighs, "shut up and go try it on!"

"Fine!" I go into the gigantic storage room filled with different dresses.

I frustratedly yell and throw  the dress onto the floor. There's no point in trying it on because I know it won't be good enough.

I sit down on a box and take my phone out. Might as well play some games until Hanbi comes in to check on me.

"Having a tough time?" A deep yet velvety voice asks me.

I let out a scream and drop my phone on the ground. I pick it up and turn around to see Jungkook leaning against a rack of dresses.

"Don't  scare me like that!"

"Sorry, you watching you so frustrated is amusing." He laughs.

"What are you...what are you doing here?" I ask bewildered.

"I bought the place from Suho." He shrugs.

"You're rich?!" I gasp.

He leans closer and flicks my head, "I'm a business man you idiot."

"Oh yeah..."

I forgot that things have changed. That Jungkook is also different. But...in a good way?

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