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this ones by @so-flashtastic on tumblr, make sure you follow them too :))


I swear to God if they don't stop soon...' Y/N walked around in her apartment. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that the time was 2:30 AM, and she wasn't in bed yet: Because of the loud thumps coming from upstairs, she had given up on sleeping a long time ago. 
"You're frickin' eight years old, why aren't you asleep yet!" The cereal in her mouth caused her to spit milk while letting her frustration out. Unfortunately, it also woke Y/N's roommate up, who joined her party seconds later.

"Why are you yelling this early, Y/N?" Barry's bed hair worsened when he raised his hand to ruffle it more up. If it wasn't for the fact that Y/N had gotten used to weak knees for seeing Barry all the time, her jelly-legs would have collapsed right then and there.
"Why am I yelling? Why are those kids ruining my- no, go get your own!" She had to interrupt herself to prevent Barry from eating her food.
"They are two years younger than us, Y/N,» It was as if he knew he was provoking her – Barry and his never-ending logic. "Wow, some party going on up there," Barry continued, making Y/N sigh in frustration.
"Oh is it? I didn't know!!" The last part directed to the ceiling made Barry laugh.
"You think this is funny?!"

"A bit," he said, taking his own spoon full of cereals in his mouth, looking at Y/N. Not many guys his age could count themselves lucky to live with their crush and see them both at their best and worst times. Strange thing is that for Barry, there really weren't any bad ones when it came to Y/N. He simply liked everything about her. From her grumpy mood in the mornings to her ecstatic self when talking about her biggest passion – his favorite moments being when she would show him cute videos of baby animals.

"What are they even doing up there?! Who can be this happy this late at a Wednesday!?" Barry was starting to like this more and more, his on growing smile made Y/N snap:
"Stop being so sadistic, will you? Tomorrow is important! I need my beauty sleep, and I need to be focused on important days!"
"You don't need beauty sleep,"
"Well of course I do! Kids will be fleeing the streets by the look of me!" Barry shook his head at Y/N's nonsense.
"Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to go talk to the neighbors upstairs for being too loud,"
"What?" Barry hopped off the counter he had been seated on for their whole chat and walked over to his confused roommate.

"Well, your lack of sleep is making you delusional, so we need to shut the kids up, now shall mommy or daddy do that," he made a fist, preparing, though by the look on Y/N's face, he continued with a smile: "Well, you clearly don't want to do it, considering you haven't walked up there yet, and I'm not exactly decently dressed..." He referred to his uncovered torso and bare legs.
"Alright," Y/N laughed, "but get ready to throw on some clothes, Flash,"

"I don't want to do this. I don't, and this is unfair, they woke me first!" Y/N lost against her metahuman crush.
"Now, come on, be the good, big girl I know you are," Barry nudged into Y/N with that little spark in his eyes she could die for. Changing the subject, Y/N instantly nudged a bit harder in a jokingly matter.
"Are you calling me fat?!" Taking her by surprise, Barry embraced Y/N in a hug before she could get away from him. His chin rested on her head while chills were running down Y/N's back as she felt each breath he took as his chest moved.
"You know that's not true, Y/N/N,"

"Please, baby Barr, come and join me at least?" Barry's body seemed to stiffen for a couple of seconds.
"Uh-uhm, s-sure," When his cool took its break, Y/N decided to be the bold one, and turned around to face the boy she had grown to love so much.
"Well let's go then, speedster, so we soon can get to bed already," it didn't take long for Y/N's smirk to falter when she realized what she had just said. So turning around in her walk towards the door, her cheeks had changed their color to a more red tone.
"Uhm, well, uh- you know what I meant," Barry just laughed it off, and followed his girl out the door. It was time to play family. Though he didn't know this would just be the very first of the many rest to come.

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