Stitching into the heart part 2

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Also by @geek-imagines on tumblr
It had been a few months after you began working at S.T.A.R labs with Team Flash, you quite enjoyed it as you got along with everyone pretty good. You never thought you'd be working with a team that helped a superhero in your entire life as it seemed like work of fiction if you were honest but it was very much real. You balanced coffees and a bag of bagels in your hands while you walked into the lab with two inch heels of your ankle made little clicks of your steps. Remembering in your head what everyone's favorite coffee was since you thought you should do something to give back to the team that welcomed you with open arms. "Hey everyone, how's our superhero team doing so far? I also got coffee and bagels as a way to say thank you for letting me join your team. I know you all might've been hesitant when Joe brought me in but I'm glad you opened your arms for me." You say as you try to balance the coffee while it was about to slip away from your grip before Barry caught it before it made a big mess.
The brown-haired male smiled fondly at you as he held the coffee, "Well I think you made a great addition to our team when you were suddenly whisked here by my foster dad, especially concerning the circumstances." He says as he helps you get everyone their coffee order and bagels, Barry was always the one who always complimented how easily adaptable you can be.
"Thank you, Dr. Y/N. Mr. Allen." Julian says as you hand over his order while the speedster does the same before going over to H.R. The Englishman was always so formal when you spoke to each other although you have told him a few times to just call you Y/N. He would always say that he admired your smarts and that you weren't quite exactly what he had picture a doctor being well besides a children's doctor because of how much fun you were.
Both men got along well after Julian warmed up to Barry at work but what they didn't know was that they both were in love with you but didn't know they shared the same love for you. The two experienced that they started harboring feelings for you when you were bandaging them up after a meta attack near the CCPD before you went off to see what Cisco wanted you for but it was the care that you offered and how calm you were about it.
You were a very sweet person who became a doctor because you wanted to be like your father who saved people and brought other's needs before his own, he was a very selfless man who sacrificed himself to save you and your mother when you were young when someone shot the trigger. Although you lost your father that day, you still vowed to do the same good that he once did. While onto the present that your mother is getting remarried in a few weeks and here you are being a doctor for a superhero team. Of course, you couldn't tell your mother which speaking of her, your phone began ringing. You noticed your mother's face from the picture you took a few months ago when you got your doctorate. "I'll be right back guys. My mother is calling me, probably something for her wedding." You say as you head out to the hallway for privacy to answer the call.
Your mother, M/N smiled on the video call once you answered and beside her was your soon to be stepfather named Paul. Waving back to you from it before clearing her throat, "It's nice to see you Y/N. I bet you are doing a fine job at Central City Hospital. But I do hope you are coming to the wedding with a date," She looks at Paul before you with a worried expression on her face, "You do have a lovely person in your life correct? I'd hope you find someone if not then I'm sure I'll set you up with a someone." She says as your mother always hoped you wouldn't just have success in your life but also someone to share it with.
You froze up a little at the word date as your brain couldn't think of anyone at the moment but you didn't want to go through another blind date with someone who could possibly be cocky like that Sebastian guy you were dating but later found out that he was actually going after one of your male friends. But you decide to nod with a smile on your face, "Oh don't worry mother. I do have someone that I'm already going to go ask right now actually before you called. I can't wait to be there to be your bridesmaid. So, no need to pair me up with someone for your big day." You say as you'd hope she would buy it while her smile only grew.
"That's excellent, isn't it Paul?" She says with a big smile on her face while your soon to be stepfather also agreed and commented on how excited he was to meet this date of yours. "Oh, I can't wait to see them either. I'll buy them a plane ticket to Budhaven, okay? So, you two don't have to worry about anything besides that they'll need to wear something formal for the wedding. See you soon dear and your date. Love you!" She says as you bid your goodbyes and hung up.
You groan as went back into the lab while you plop onto your wheeling chair, you didn't know what you were going to do now. You didn't actually have a date to the wedding but yet now your mother thinks you do and you must find a date that can be there for the wedding. But who were you going to ask as you look around the room, maybe team Flash can help before you were nudged by H.R's drumstick while you look to come face to face with the go lucky man.
"Something on your mind, Y/N? You seem to be more down after that phone call with your mother. Did something happen to her?" He asks you while a big sigh escaped from you before you explained what was going on and with the wedding. As his eyes widen, "So you need to find a date for your mother's wedding? I got a good idea," H.R remarks and before you could stop him, he blurts out. "Hey does anyone know that they are free for a wedding date with Y/N? She needs one!"
You hide your face while everyone turned to stare at you, who were you going to ask to be your date to the wedding?
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