Stitching into the heart

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This ones from @geek-imagines on tumblr

» Relationship(s): Julian Albert & Reader (crush), Barry Allen & Reader (crush) «

You were an average person whom was studying in the medical when Joe asked for your help, why you ask? Well Joe and your father were pretty close until your father retired early from an unfortunate accident that made him not so active in the crime field where he loved to be in. He remembered that you were studying in for your doctorate and was close to completing it, so he felt like you could get the job done and that to keep a secret of Barry being The Flash. Which where you were doing right now as your heels clicked from the hard floor from following Joe, why were you so nervous about this, well you weren't used to metas. They weren't in your studies but hopefully you could pick up pretty quickly since the incident that made you the medical person for Team Flash. The dark skinned man put his hand on your shoulder and clearing his throat to capture everyone's attention towards you and him. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Y/N L/N, soon to be doctor but she'll be our medic as a placeholder due to you know. Y/N, this is Team Flash. Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Julian Albert, H.R, Iris and Wally but you already know them." Joe says while he pointed to each person to their corresponding name.
You did a small wave as you shook hands with everyone, boy was this not only nerve wrecking but kind of cool that you got to help out an actual real life superhero. You were already bit of a fan of the scarlet clad speedster and seemed to be friendlier than Caitlin was. You and Cisco, plus H.R. became fast and easy friends with your similar interests. You were actually a fast learner about Barry's speeding habits and his meta abilities so you began learning what to do with him when he needed medical attention. Julian also enjoyed your company as well, understanding what he was talking about and laughing about how much he looked like Tom Felton, the man whom played Draco from Harry Potter.
"Easy Barry, I know you heal fast but you really sprained your ankle badly." You say as you pulled out your things while he winced slightly before laying down so you could help put ice on it before wrapping a bandage around to keep it in place. Barry was trying his best to hold his wincing down as you looked up worriedly as you moved over with your rolling chair. "You okay big shot?" You ask with your nickname as Barry chuckled at it, you always gave people nicknames no matter where you went.
"Yeah, I-I'll be fine. Thanks Y/N, seriously I don't know what we'd do without you since the incident." He says as you smiled before rolling to check on Julian's wound since he got caught up with the attacker and Barry. You telling Julian nearly the same thing but he wasn't as bad wounded like Bar was, thank goodness.
"Thank you Dr. Y/N. We really appreciate your help at times like these moments, I hope it's not too much trouble for you." Julian was always more formal towards you then Barry was, you did finally graduate from your school a few weeks ago after you met Team Flash. You remember since they were all there when you accepted your doctorate.
"There! My two boys are now fixed up, but you two better be gentle with your injuries. I mean it this time, I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys. I care about you and your well-being." You say as you took off your gloves and went over to talk to Cisco whom needed you for something on his side of the room.
Barry and Julian may not realized it quite yet about each other, but they both had fallen in love with you. You were a caring person and quick witted with your words, not to mention your smile. They both were smitten by you but whom would say their feelings first and get to have you as their own?

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