I...I wasn't fast enough

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this is from  barryallenfanfiction on tumblr so go follow them. <3


He was back from his mission, but my relieved smile faded away.

When I saw Barry's expression as he walked through the door, I knew something was wrong. He was close to tears, and he looked absolutely heartbroken.

"Barry?" I uttered, not daring to raise my voice.

I nervously played with my hands waiting for his response, which took a while to arrive.

"I... I wasn't fast enough" He replied, hardly even a whisper.

I stood there in shock, my mouth agape and my arms limply falling to my sides. He had failed. Barry couldn't save them, and he was beating himself up for it, he was blaming himself entirely.

"Barry, you..." I gulped, knowing words wouldn't really help. "You can't save everyone"

"But I should!" He shouted angrily, tears already building up in his green eyes.

"You might be a metahuman... In fact, probably the most famous and iconic one in Central City" I threw a small compliment in there in the hopes that it would cheer him up just a bit. It didn't. "But you're not a God!"

Barry just looked down, defeated. His shoulders convulsed with violent sobs that resonated all around the room.

I immediately ran to him and hugged him tight, my last resort to comfort him. Even though I knew that it would never be enough and that it could never bring back all those people, hence not fixing anything.

But I knew he needed it, and so I gave it to him.

"I'm so sorry..." I said to show him I understood.

Barry didn't say anything, he just shoved his face in my shoulder and cried weakly while his arms urgently pulled me closer.

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