Barry x Reader

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Hiiii im back again with more imagines!! This one is from @/ imaginetrash on tumblr so make sure to go check them out!! now enjoy :)) oh! and don't forget to vote and comment for more!


"C'mon, (Y/N)! Let me read it! At least give me a little sneak peek." Cisco complained, pouting like a child.

"Dude, just because you're my best friend that doesn't mean you get special reading privileges." You giggled at his moaning.

Cisco Ramon was a geek. He loved superheroes, fiction, and science. But, not as much as you did. You were lucky enough to be living your dreams as a comic book author. In high school, you never really felt like you could connect with your peers, and you found yourself spending a large amount time writing and sketching, usually alone. But all that changed in college: when met your best friend.

"Okay, but remember that one time in our sophomore year at (C/N)?" Cisco said, a deceitful look stretching across his face.

You cringed and shoved your hands in your face, "Ugh no, no, no."

"Oh yeah," a devious look crossed his face, "That one time you-"

"Okay! Okay fine! You can read ONE page. That's it." You said, preventing him from finishing his awful story.

"Yes!" Cisco punch the air in triumph. He ripped the book from your hands and quickly began reading the first page of your story. Picking up your warm coffee mug and shook your head at your friend, completely immersed into comic.

A new twitter notification lit up your phone, so you diverted your attention to the small device.

Cisco noticed you look down at your phone, and his hand crept to the upper right hand corner. He slowly lifted the page and began to turn it.

"Hey! Yeah, that's right, I'm watch you, Ramon!" You scolded, snapping your gaze up toward him.

"But (Y/N)! It's so goooood!" he threw his head back and groaned like a child, "Let me read more!"

"Nope, first page only," You took the book back, "You have to wait like everyone else."

"Fine." He sighed. His eyes lowered to look at his half empty drink. Then, he looked up and casually scanned the room while waiting for you to put the book back into your bag.

He let out a gasp of excitement, "Hey, it's Barry! You know, the one I was saying I wanted you to meet!"

Cisco flew his hand up into the air and began waving it frantically, "Barry! Yo, over here!"

Barry looked up from his phone and saw his friend bringing attention to himself. He laughed at Cisco's lack of shame and made his way to our table.

Holy shit, you thought, he's cute.

"What are you doing here, man?" Cisco said with smile.

"Just grabbing coffee for Joe and Iris." The tall man glanced at you. Maybe you were imagining things, but he seemed to have to do a double take.

"Well, this is my best friend, (Y/N). The one-"

"You went to (C/N) with?" Barry finished Cisco's sentence, which made you giggle, "Hi, I'm Barry." He awkwardly extended his hand toward you.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." You couldn't help but smile as you shook his hand. After what seemed like an extensive handshake, you both released your grip, and you saw a light pink glow on Barry's cheeks.

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