"What a bad behavior hers"

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This one is from @lola-imagines on tumblr
Make sure you go follow them !!
-------------------------------------------------------"Good job Cisco" I said still trying to dry my shirt
"Sorry, but it wasn't my fault, that thing scared the hell out of me"
After a long day catching meta humans we decided to take the night off to go to the movies. All the team flash. What could possibly go wrong? We went to watch "Alien Covenant" and it was a terrible idea. Joe almost had a heart attack, Julian stayed most of the time with his eyes closed and Cisco, oh boy, Cisco was scared like a little girl, he even dropped his soda on me when he got scared for the hundredth time. Yeah, a terrible idea indeed
"That film was creepy man" Julian said "I think I won't be able to sleep tonight, what did you think about the movie H.R?"
"I think I got change my underwear"
We all bursted in laughter with his answer
"Here honey, take my coat, it's cold and your shirt's still wet"
"I don't need it"
"I'm not asking if you need it, I'm telling you to take it"
"Just because I love you"
He placed a soft kiss in my forehead
"You guys are so sweet together, it makes me forget the damn movie" said H.R
"Indeed" added Caitlin
"They're not sweet, they're annoying. can we go now? I'm starving" Said Iris grumpy
"Yes, we can" said Barry
After the movies we went to Jitters for us to grab some coffee and Barry and Wally something to eat. Damn speedsters who are always hungry. We were outside, waiting Caitlin and Julian who went to make the orders
"This is taking to long, I'm tired" you said
"Then have a sit " said Cisco
"The are no more sit left"
"Sit here" said Barry pulling your hands making you sit in his lap. He took the opportunity to tickle you, being as sensitive to tickling as you are, just when he started to laugh crazily
"Barry stop. Stop. STOOOOOOOOP please, I can't breathe.... I CAN'T BREATHE"
30 seconds later you threw yourself on the ground making everybody laugh at you
"Jesus honey, are you okay?" he asked helping you to stand up
"Oh poor (y/n)! she's red like a tomato" said H.R laughing
"I almost died right now. I hate you Bartholomew Henry Allen"
"No, you don't " he said hugging you "you love me" and then he kissed you
"You guys gonna make out right here in front of us? seriously?" Wally said
"Yeah, would you stop with that please?" said Cisco, almost yelling
"I can't. I love her to much to stop" Barry answered and gave you another kiss
"Stop with that shit, please" Iris said kind of angry
"Jesus, what's your problem today?" you asked
"You are my problem. You're being pathecic"
"Excuse me?"
"That's right"
"Darling, don't be so rude" Joe said
"I'm not being rude dad, I'm being honest. You guys are all the time saying "(y/n) is so cute, (y/n) is so sweet." I'm sick of it"
"But she is" said H.R
"Then fuck her already, please"
"ENOUGH IRIS" The angry voice of Barry made everyone freeze for a moment. He rarely raises his voice. but Iris pushed him too far
"Go fuck yourself (y/n)" she said and left
"What the hell is wrong with her?" you asked
"I'm sorry for this behaivor of her (y/n) said Joe
"No problem"

Next day....

"Hey man" said Cisco as Barry entered at the cortex of the lab
"Hey, have you seen Iris?"
"yes,may I aske you why are you asking?"
"I have to talk to her"
"She's there with Wally" said Caitlin pointing to the next room
"Than you" Barry said and made his way toward the room.
Cisco and Caitlin looked at each other with worry in their eyes
"Hey Barry" said Wally seeing Barry enter in the room
"Hey man" he look at Iris and turned his attetion back to Wally "could you give us a minute?"
"Sure, I need to rest anyway" said Wally leaving the room
"What was that yesterday?" he asked, kind of furious
"I don't what you talking about"
"Cut that Iris, why you acted like that with (y/n)?"
"That hoe deserved"
"Don't yell at me"
"Then don't talk about her like that. Why were you so rude with her"
"I don't know. There isn't a specific reason that I did that, I don't like her, and that's all"
"I know, but you didn't have to treat her that way"
"Why are you here? you want me to say sorry? I won't cause I'm not"
"You are unbelievable Iris"
"Barry, look, I know you like her, of course you do otherwise you wouldn't be dating her. But you are always with her making her laugh and..., and showing to everyone how much you love her, and... I.... I just can't stand this. I still love you Barry"
"You had your chance Iris. You had. I love (y/n) now, more than I could possibly say. She's my life now. I like you, you're my friend, but if you act like that with her again you won't have my friendship anymore"
He was about to leave the room
"Barry please..."

Later that day....

"You got home early. Why?" You asked Barry
"I don't have to go to job today"
"I know but I tought the Flash would be roaming the street after evil meta humans"
"Kid Flash is doing the job today"
"Then why you went to the Star Labs?"
"To talk to Iris. About what she said yesterday"
"You didn't have to do this"
"Yes I did. Of course I did. She disrespected you and I didn't like. I had to talk to her"
"And how was the conversation?"
"Well, she didn't apologise but I'm pretty sure she won't do that again
You sat next to him
"Forget that. I know she doesn't like me. Besides, I'm pretty sure she was just jealous"
"And why do you think that?"
"I know she still loves you. I'm not stupid"
"But I love you"
"I know" you left a peck on his lips "I love you too"
He was about to kiss you when
"HOLY SHIT " you said running to the kitchen
"What's the matter?" Barry asked
"I forget the pie on the oven"
You kneeled in front of the oven and took off the pie. Totally burned.
"And there it goes our dinner" you said putting your hand on you forehead "I'm sorry babe"
"No problem at all" he said putting his hand on your waist, closing the space between your bodies "besides, I'm not hungry"
"So why did you say you already knew what you gonna eat after the dinner?"
He started to laugh.
"You're so innocent sometimes honey"
"Why are you sayiOOOOOOOOH. Oooh, wow, I get it."
"Did you?" He asked giving you that look
"Yes, I did"
"So what do you think of we skip dinner?"
"Who said I care about dinner anymore?"
On that night you didn't care about dinner, you didn't care about Iris. You only cared about making each know how much you loved each other.
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