The New World

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Edited by SabaSunshine 

Rachel POV

Dring! Dring! Dring!

As soon as the school bell went, I ran straight to Mrs. Jonathan's class I was already late for class but I didn't want to end up having a detention on the first day of school. So just in case, I decided to bring a fake note to class to explain my fake situation. I'm always prepared for the worst.

I ran down the hallways where I saw my classroom and ran straight to the door and knocked for which, Mrs. Jonathan told me to come in."Mrs. Jonathan, I'm sorry I'm late my mom's car broke down but I do have a note from my mom," I said whilst looking at the floor not meeting her eyes.

"Miss Gilbert you are lucky because today I don't feel like giving out any detentions," said Mrs. Jonathan.

Well guess I won't need the note

30 minutes later

Arrg, I hate Applied Biology why did I even choose this? Oh right because of Alex! I am unwittingly and unconditionally in love with her. Alex is a girl everyone likes she is popular and the nicest person you would meet in our school. 
She doesn't even know my name. All we ever talk about is a freaking frog liver, which is the only time I get to talk to her. WHY??? Why am I so stupid and reckless. I can't even have a conversation with her without stuttering. Why am I such a nervous wreck around her? 

But something has changed over the summer with her. It's weird how people change so quickly. Now she looks so secretive and mysterious. She has an aura around her making anyone around her afraid of her. As if she is a powerful being. Nothing like in Junior year, where she looked so happy and radiant. The whole world evolved around her everyone wanted to be friends with her. I guess people change.

2 Hours later

I was on my way leaving from the 3rd period when I heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the girl's bathroom; I decided to check it out cause I didn't feel like going to math class. Even if I didn't have maths I would check it anyway because it's better to make sure that people aren't dying (anyways who wants to go to maths).

I slowly opened the door a bit on the left-hand side of the bathroom I could see the toilets all disgusting and vandalism by girls but on the right-hand side of the bathroom, I could see Alex, with someone. 

Was she kissing someone? What if she was? Does that mean that I have no chance of being with her?  But when I fully opened the door I was shocked.

Instead, she was doing fairly the opposite she wasn't kissing someone rather she was biting a girl's neck. Blood was dripping down from the girl's neck. I was petrified by this thing that Alex had become. I was standing there for a while not knowing what to do. What was I supposed to do?

Suddenly, the girl's body fell to the floor. Alex had bloody red eyes full of hunger who were looking for their next prey and white fangs that had blood dribbling down from them. She looked sexy in a way.

I had been staring at her for a long time for her to notice me standing there beside the door she turned her face and looked at me with a face full of darkness. I didn't want her to come to me so because I didn't want to end up like that girl so I said "I promise I didn't see anything" and I slowly started to take steps back.

 In a blink of an eye, she was in front of me and she said: "You are going to forget about what you just saw and keep on living your life normal as you were before".

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