Let The Darkness Begin

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Edited by @SabaSunshine 

Rachel's POV 

Everything seems to be getting boring (especially biology). Today just doesn't feel right. My heart seems like it has a hole in it as if something is missing. Nothing seems to be going according to my plans. Why is today so frustrating?

I woke up this morning feeling my heart being torn from piece to piece. This morning was a very mentally draining.  At night it felt like someone had stolen my sleep but let my heart race as if it's on a race track.  

After a  draining morning, I go to school not feeling myself. Everything around me felt like it was going at a fast pace and I was the slow one.  I walk to my locker, where I start to bash my head on to stop this headache. Impatiently, I take out all my books and slam my locker shut. 

Dring Dring Dring 

Echoes of the bell start to ring into my ears. So, I started walking to my lesson bu the emptiness starts to engulf my heart again. I buried this feeling deep down in my brain to stop it from coming back. It was messing with my body.

3 hours later

The whole way through the three lessons I couldn't focus the sense of emptiness kept consuming my mind. 

At lunchtime, I had enough to stop this frustrating the first stop I decided to make it to the toilet my heart keeps on pounding loudly with every step I take as if it pondering a warning; to tell me to walk somewhere else.

 I went to the girl's bathroom, where I stared at myself in the mirror and the feeling struck to me again but this time like a ton of bricks thrown at me. This sense gave me the answer that has made me a mess. The answer was, I missed something important.

Alex's POV

I can't believe what I did...

Yesterday, I found out that Rachel knew about me being a vampire. I was able to put the pieces together. The answer was her weird looking ring, which made me remember about what Gabriel said. Gabriel told me that there are loads of items that the human and vampire world have. These items are really strong, humans pass them down through generation to stop vampires from attacking them. It was their way of defense because they were nothing against vampires. They can have regained essence that can make someone immune to vampire compulsion.

So I took Rachel's ring off without her noticing with my vampire speed. Then I compelled her to forget about everything that just happened. 

Honestly, I think this is the best I could do to keep Rachel's life normal. If a human finds out vampires exist their life would be under threat. Vampires would try to kill them.
I hate the fact that she won't remember the kiss we shared together. Or the way I feel about her. 

The thing is I am not only new to being a vampire.  Being gay is pretty new to me too. Which explains how I talk to her. Questions always cloud my brain about me and her.

What if she isn't gay?

What if she is dating someone?

I mean she did kiss me back but I that may be out of fear. She may think I want to kill her...

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