The New Beginning

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Edited by Author & SabaSunshine

/Author notes/ 

IDK why but this was my favorite chapter to write.


Rachel's POV

I quickly jumped off a black couch. I could hear my senses overpowering my body. When every particle in the air moved I could feel it. I could hear peoples conversations from a mile away. 

All my senses stopped when I sensed this beautiful scent surrounding me. Quickly, like the wind I looked around the room to see what it was, my body was desperate for this scent. But when I turned to see what it was. I spotted blue eyes staring into my soul. I knew this eyes belonged to one woman Alex. She was sitting on a chair and staring at me with a glass of something red filled in it. The glass was that beautiful scent that was making me desperate. 

"Hey, look who just resurrected from the dead!" said Alex with a slight smirk. 

"What the hell happened with me? Where am I? Why can I smell, see and feel every particle in the air? Why can I hear conversations from people that are passing outside?" I said almost trembling with fear.

Alex jumped from her chair and ran as fast as light and came next to me. She was looking at me as if I told her the worlds funniest joke.

"What? You think this is funny?" I said and punched her without remorse on her shoulder. The punch left her catapulted into the wall, leaving it with a huge hole. I didn't know I was this strong. 

On instinct, I ran to her like wind and I say"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you,"

 "It's ok! Now you have to drink this " said Alex, whilst groaning in pain. 

"What? Do I have to drink that thing? What is it?" I ask her in a rush. 

"This is blood you have to drink it so you can complete the transition..." said Alex but I interrupted with a question that was dreading my mind, "A transition into what?".

"Rachel you are going to become a  vampire," said Alex as she was trying to get back up. 

"WHAT!?" I screamed.

She grabbed my hand and said "You have experienced the supernatural on first-hand a few days ago. Now if you drink the blood you won't die permanently. Remember what you have been through".

Right after she said that I grabbed the cup from her hand and sniffed this liquid that she called blood. Taking that one sniff sent me to heaven. Taking that one sniff automatically led to my body taking over and drinking it in instinct. I was able to drink it all in one gulp.

My senses started to expand. The excruciating pain started on my teeth I started to scream in pain. When Alex heard my scream of agony she gave me another cup full of blood. 

To make me feel better Alex said "Hey it's ok you know? Just drink this and the pain will go away because your instincts will be more focused on drinking blood."
I nodded in return I wanted this pain gone. alex could see how scared I was because of my facial expressions there was no way of hiding that.

I was scared.

All the compulsions she had implemented on me have slowly implanted back into my memory

1 hour later

Of facing one hour of pain. The pain started to slowly fade away into nothing.

Alex approached me and said, "Come with me I have to show you something".

"OK" I replied to her with, a smile on my face. 

Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom I didn't know that existed. Her hand felt amazing on my skin. I don't know if it was because of the vampirism. But it was like I could feel every cell of her hand that was touching me and it was an amazing feeling.

She made me stand in front of the mirror and then she gave me a bag of blood

"Here, just sniff it and then drink it,"  she tells me. To be polite I followed her instructions. But when I sniffed it I could see in my reflection fangs coming out of my gums and my eyes start to turn bright red eyes. 

"Wow, I look so good in fangs". I say to myself. But I hear Alex chuckle on my statement.

"So what now?" I questioned her whilst taking a sip from the bag. Enjoying its delicious flavor.

"Now I will teach you how to compel people," Alex says out of nowhere. 

5 minutes later

I and Alex ran for five minutes, with intensive speed because Alex has a change of plan.

We reached the Sunday grill of the town, it was crowded and live music was blasting through the speakers. This happens every Sunday.

"Lets dance, " she said whilst trying to speak over the music. 

"I am not a good dancer, Ill just get drinks for us, " I reply really quickly trying to break contact between us. But instead, she grabs and pulls me yet again in the bathroom.

I pushed her away from me "What the hell is wrong with you " I spat at her. 

"Did you read my mind?" she asked me very interestingly.

"Don't act stupidly! " I shout back.

"Just before we got into the toilet you told me that you were going to get us drinks by using your mind because I didn't see your mouth moving, " she answered shortly. 

"Wait does that mean that what you said ... "I was interrupted.

"YOU READ MY MIND BEFORE??" she asks, whilst blushing. 

"Jesus Christ how awkward," I said while staring at the floor.

"Was it true though? " I say quickly.

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