The Discovery

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Edited by SabaSunshine

Rachel POV

It's been 4 days since I last saw Alex.These question keep on popping up in m head; Did she move away? Will I ever get to see her again? Does she think I will follow her instructions? The weirdest part is the scenario that happened 4 days ago. When she stared into my eyes as if she was looking directly into my soul. Those words she said made my ring vibrate on my finger. The ring was given to me by my grandma as a present. So it's really special to me.

Alex POV

I need to be more careful around humans like Gabriel is. He never gets caught. Gabriel is the one who made me a living nightmare. I was turned by him.  He should have taken more responsibility for me but I haven't seen him since summer. He's left me alone since the day I have turned. I don't know whats happening to me.

I am a fledgling (a newbie) in this situation; I have no control over my bloodlust. My mission is to find an experienced vampire to help me control over my bloodlust so I can't lose control. Innocents may die because of me I must learn.

For the last 4 days, I can't stop thinking about Rachel. She is so innocent. I hate it when I have to compel people. I wish I didn't become this monster.

 I should go back to school before anyone starts to suspects anything because 4 days I a long time to miss school.

No one realized the absence of the girl I killed 4 days ago. Since I was turned in summer I was expecting that I would have the control over this bloodlust. I just can't bear the thought of hurting the people I love or innocents. 

I miss my boyfriend, Tobias, he was so confused about what happened this summer. He thinks I'm mad at him. The reason being me not answering his calls. I wish I could just tell him everything but it's too dangerous for him I can't risk it. On the other hand, bloodlust is not the only reason why I left him. It's just complicated between us.

It has come to my attention that I feel differently about girls now. I thought maybe it was because of the amplified emotions and feelings but now I can barely speak to girls. It feels like I'm in kindergarten all over again but this time I'm into girls. This got to a point where I usually hook up with someone from a gay bar in town. This results in me in erasing their memory because they might go to my school. I do not in any circumstances want my high school to know about my sexuality along with my sex life. I just purely want it kept under the radar which is one of the reasons why I don't have any friends anymore.

20 minutes later

I arrived at school. Finally, I had the guts to go to school. 

Slowly I walk down the hallway and from the corner of my eye I see Rachel opening her locker and taking out her Applied Biology book. There is something about her that makes me smile but I don't know what it is and giving myself to her would not be easy. 
Because again I have to stay down low about my feelings with someone.

Rachel's POV

I was taking my Applied Biology bok out of my locker when I felt someone's stare that was burning holes in my back.

There stood the almighty see Alex! Wow she looks so beautiful-stop! You can't fall for her she is a ...something, which is not human. I haven't thought a lot about what she is. But still, what could she be? All I know is that she is something that likes blood but that is not enough for me to identify what she is.

The school bell rang all of a sudden casing me to jump but still I could feel Alex's stare at me. What a hell? In a way, I feel blessed because an attractive woman is staring at me but on the other hand, I kinda feel creeped out because you never know I might be her next meal.

"Hey Rachel we never actually met properly as friends I'm Alex", says Alex to me
Oh shit, what am I supposed to say?
"Alex, I don't want to get late to bio...logy so see you in biology!" I said walking awkwardly away from her because I stuttered again.

"No ! Wait!" Alex appeared next to me in seconds I didn't even have a chance to blink. In reflex, I started to scream.

"Shhhh Rachel I'm not going to hurt you." She said whilst gently holding my hand. Damn her eyes are like a map that you can get lost into.

"Hmm, do you need a map?" She asked me teasingly.

" would I need a map for?" I said whilst stuttering. 

"Duh, you got lost in my eyes!?" She answered jokingly.
Oh shit, she found out I said that.

This mission is over. 



In all of this awkwardness, I couldn't move because I was pinned to the lockers by her. Her weight gently pushing me against them. This was a good awkwardness.
"Well, it's okay Rachel. I get that a lot. My beautiful green eyes that have a  touch of grey makes everyone just stare at me ." She said calmly. Well, at least she knows it.

"I think you are really pretty and we should date," she said out of the blue.
What the fuck?

"Look into my are forgetting whatever I just said," she says to me. She is doing this freaky thing again.

" Are you going to try to hypnotize me like you did 4 days ago right?". I ask nervously.

She suddenly looked up at me confused and asked me a peculiar question " How did you know? It was supposed to work on humans! I don't understand this?" 

"Well, Alex I guess you don't have major abilities yet. Besides dude is that how you get girls? Come on!"

She looked at me embarrassed and then she left in a flash.
God, what is happening here?

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