The Wasted Life

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Edited by SabaSunshine

Rachel's POV

It has been 6 weeks since I started to feel weird I get this fuzzy feeling at some places as if something happened there but I decide to ignore it. 

As I was going to my locker but then spotted this hot girl across the hall. The way her blue eyes stand out from her dark hair and dark clothes make her hot actually scratch that it makes her beautiful. She looks like a fallen angel  Her dorky glasses make her look like a nerd, which I find very cute. Her eyes had a world of their own I could get easily lost in them and never find my way back. 

Whilst, staring at her I did the stupidest thing in my life. I approached her because I was desperate to know, who she was. 

"Hey, you um girl have we met before?, I'm Rachel by the way. What is your um name?". Stupid me why did I stutter a lot? She is going to think I'm a creepy stalker. Oh, you stupid mouth.

Instead of replying she does the most despicable thing, she ignores me and walks off. Just like that. Why is she being so ignorant? Did I do something wrong? 

I thought she was easy to talk to because anyone would approach her she would talk to them. But instead, I'm being ignored by her. 

I again start to approach her but I can feel her looking at me intently. This time I'm not going down without a fight.

I go up to her and say,"I know you are ignoring me! Are you new? I have never seen you around here before".

"Rachel you don't want to know me. Trust me." said the new girl. How does she know my name? I guess she is a creepy stalker too.

"How am I supposed to trust you if I don't know you" common sense stranger.

"Just come to my party today at 9 ok ?" I say. Okay, this was a good excuse I'll get to know her more in the party. OMG, I haven't even planned a party. 

"Ok I'll see about that," said the girl whilst she was leaving.

"Wait! I don't even know your name!" I shouted at her.

She didn't hear me. She was just walking further and further away.

I really have to start calling some friends today and find out this girl and invited for this unwanted and unplanned party. Why am I so stupid to start a party by just using it as an excuse. 


I just finished preparing for the party. I know I told everyone to come at nine but we all know the party really begins at midnight, so I wasn't expecting anyone to come right now.

Buzz Buzz Buzz 

My doorbell rang but before I opened the door I hesitate because who could it be? The party supposedly starts at midnight.

I opened them and it was the new girl who I met today.

"Hey, Rachel, " said the girl.

"Wait before you come in you have to tell me your name," I said to her.

"I'm Alex," she said. What a beautiful name for a beautiful person, I thought.

Alex was just standing outside my door and wasn't getting in. It was getting really awkward until she decides to break the awkwardness. 

"Can I come in?" she akes really politely. 

On cue, I reply "Yes, Alex you can come in!"

She came in and smiled at me. That smile was worth golds and diamonds from the whole world.

It was weird talking to her. My heart kept on pounding in my chest as if it wanted its freedom, with Alex. My heart's desire was Alex and her cute blue eyes.

To be a very welcoming host I decide to ask her for a drink but she politely declined it.

Being with her is starting to get so awkward. From both of us, no one spoke even one word to each other. The fact that no one is her just made things more awkward.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Luckily, I heard the doorbell and the guests arrived. They are early. I was saved by the bell. 

30 minutes later

Everyone was drunk by now especially me. everything around me felt like it was moving from one place to another. I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my face to try help getting rid of the dizziness.

After I washed my face I opened the door and there in front of me stared back at the most beautiful blue eyes of the one and only Alex.

"Can I come in?" She asked. Wow, she is the first to speak now. She sounds bolder and sincere.

"Why?" I snap back at her. Oh, my I wasn't planning on sounding rude. Idiotic me.

"We need to talk," Alex said very seriously.

"About what?" 

"The way I feel-" I interrupted her with a kiss. Shit, the alcohol has a big effect on me if I was sober I would have never kissed her. But her lips were soft and nice. Her touch sent shivers down my spine.

All of a sudden I feel then I felt a sharp object going through my back. Suddenly it was starting to get hard to breathe for me. I look at my shirt and I see blood dripping down from it.

At that moment Alex stops kissing me. 

She was looking at my back and was screaming at someone. "Gabriel! What did you do?"

"You fucken faggot ?! You are only allowed to love me. Not a normal basic bitch like her." said a man named Gabriel.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" she screamed at him. She looked at me with teary eyes and does the most unexplainable thing.

My vision started to fade away but then I saw her bitting her wrist and putting it to my mouth forcing me to drink her blood. I heard a snap from my neck and in split seconds all I could see was darkness.

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